We get it, there is no need to have over 300 posts in that thread. Get over it people, He'll fight it if he really was innocent and we'll see the end of it that way. I can't imagine what all those posts say, but I've read a few pages and it is too pointless even for these forums with the exception of a few posts. I think phlabby's last post clears it up as much as will happen and we should all drop it.
Originally posted by AikoI have never been pro or con Ironman31. His chess abilities, either genuine or not, are way beyond my abilities to comprehend. It is not my place to judge about him being an engine user or not. I also haven't "watched" his games ... I make it a hobby to concentrate mostly on my own games. To me it doesn't matter who is number one or number 10,000 because I will probably always be somewhere in the middle.
Wow, six? Were you pro or con IronMan?
I bet there is a reccing difference between the pro and con camp!
i cant beleive theres cheaters in online chess!!! i lose because i lose,dont play me if you dont want to play a straight up game.I think if you cant play without cheating then choose another game,i play with my brain(i may lose doing it) but i dont care if i lose,if you want to play me,then play straight up, no cheaters please.