19 Oct 15
Originally posted by mister moggyWhy put a rubbish dump so close to a playground ?
the only reason owners allow the filth of setise is they are homosexuals who think an anal cavity is something to be desired.
how could one look in the mirror in the morning knowing that a fecal cavity is what they think is beautiful.
these filthy people have used money to change society.
Must have been designed by the government.
Originally posted by mister moggyMister Moggy I think you would struggle to find your chuff with a mirror on a stick.
the only reason owners allow the filth of setise is they are homosexuals who think an anal cavity is something to be desired.
how could one look in the mirror in the morning knowing that a fecal cavity is what they think is beautiful.
these filthy people have used money to change society.
Originally posted by mister moggyYou want it, don't you, sweetie? I can smell the pheromones all the
the only reason owners allow the filth of setise is they are homosexuals who think an anal cavity is something to be desired.
how could one look in the mirror in the morning knowing that a fecal cavity is what they think is beautiful.
these filthy people have used money to change society.