Your nominations are now due...
Your nominations are now due for the much anticipated 2008 Annual RHP General Forum Poster Awards. As is our custom, three general
categories are up for grabs: Best in Class, Bottom of The Barrel and Best Overall Poster Awards. The always popular Best in Class may
include 'Most Entertaining', 'Most Informative', 'Most Humorous', 'Most Shocking', 'Most Unpredictable', 'Most Weirdo', 'Most Controversial'.
Format is open ended as in previous years, so feel free to dream up new classes to be recognized. Coveted Bottom of The Barrel & Best
Overall Poster Awards are self explanatory. Here are a few personal nominees to get the ball rolling: (1) 'Most Technical Depth'... Nordlys,
HandyAndy and Mathurine. (2) 'Most Wholesome/Helpful'... Monty Moose, Muppyman and Pawnhandler. (3) 'Most Playfully Irritating'...
Hand of Hecate and (prior to his most unfortunate lobotomy this past summer) Darvlay. Rounding out the class in far distant third, gb.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyIf your life really is THIS unfulfilled and empty, you should seriously consider moving to a country where euthanasia is legal.
Your nominations are now due...
Your nominations are now due for the much anticipated 2008 Annual RHP General Forum Poster Awards. As is our custom, three general
categories are up for grabs: Best in Class, Bottom of The Barrel and Best Overall Poster Awards. The always popular Best in Class may
include 'Most Entertaining', 'Most Informativ ...[text shortened]... summer) Darvlay. Rounding out the class in far distant third, gb.
Originally posted by Pawn QweenThread 84180
Has anybody got a link to last year's winners, or the year before? I don't remember this 'custom'.
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby* 'Most Literary Creativity'... Coquette, Great Big Stees, Kentron (Bosse de Nage, Shavixmir).
Your nominations are now due...
Your nominations are now due for the much anticipated 2008 Annual RHP General Forum Poster Awards. As is our custom, three general
categories are up for grabs: Best in Class, Bottom of The Barrel and Best Overall Poster Awards. The always popular Best in Class may
include 'Most Entertaining', 'Most Informativ summer) Darvlay. Rounding out the class in far distant third, gb.
* 'Most Trustworthy Men'... Policestate, Ice Cold, Red Night, Frank Burns, Kikki46.
* 'Most Endearing'... Woodgie, Huckleberry, casualdust.
* 'Most Culinary Astute'... Seitse.