Your Very Own June '09 RHP GF Rating
Here's our fair and simple formula for the month of June:
(1) Earn one (+1) point for every negative, shallow or mean spirited post you contribute. At least you showed up on time.
(2) Earn three (+3) points for each post which says something thoughtful or positive about anyone or anything. Thank you.
(3) Earn five (+5) points for every one of your entertaining, clever or informative posts for each recommendation received.
(4) Blah, blah, lukewarm going nowhere posts which accomplish nothing go into your permanent internet record as zeros.
Happy and productive posting! Let's make it a better place. Please keep track of your very own June '09 RHP GF Rating.
Originally posted by Grampy Bobbywhat does hell does GF stand for? girlfriends?
Your Very Own June '09 RHP GF Rating
Here's our fair and simple formula for the month of June:
(1) Earn one (+1) point for every negative, shallow or mean spirited post you contribute. At least you showed up on time.
(2) Earn three (+3) points for each post which says something thoughtful or positive about anyone or anything. Thank you ...[text shortened]... e it a better place. Please keep track of your very own June '09 RHP GF Rating.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyI like the idea but im not sure if the point scoring system is at optimum.
Your Very Own June '09 RHP GF Rating
Here's our fair and simple formula for the month of June:
(1) Earn one (+1) point for every negative, shallow or mean spirited post you contribute. At least you showed up on time.
(2) Earn three (+3) points for each post which says something thoughtful or positive about anyone or anything. Thank you ...[text shortened]... e it a better place. Please keep track of your very own June '09 RHP GF Rating.
Id rather see that # (4) posts (blahblahblah posts) receive the +1 point for showing up. And the # (1) posts (negative posts) receive -1 or -2 points.
That would make the GF a better placeπ
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyI like the fourth kind of posts. Even if I don't earn any points from you, I still like to write as I please.
Your Very Own June '09 RHP GF Rating
Here's our fair and simple formula for the month of June:
(1) Earn one (+1) point for every negative, shallow or mean spirited post you contribute. At least you showed up on time.
(2) Earn three (+3) points for each post which says something thoughtful or positive about anyone or anything. Thank you ...[text shortened]... e it a better place. Please keep track of your very own June '09 RHP GF Rating.
Originally posted by zozozozoLogical approach, Zozo. My intent was simply to have a little fun in drawing attention to a deteriorating situation. #1 was
I like the idea but im not sure if the point scoring system is at optimum.
Id rather see that # (4) posts (blahblahblah posts) receive the +1 point for showing up. And the # (1) posts (negative posts) receive -1 or -2 points.
That would make the GF a better placeπ
written tongue in cheek. I also wanted to avoid (- point) 'penalties' per se to keep things non-judgemental and upbeat.