Strange one, I can't seem to log-in on Chrome anymore.
I hit "log-in" and the whole screen fades out,
but the drop-in window with email/password does not appear.
I can still play on my phone and play on I.E on my laptop, so I have work-arounds.
I'll send site feedback also, but is anyone else having log-in issues on chrome?
@64squaresofpain saidI use firefox, but I tried logging in on chrome and didn't have a problem..
Strange one, I can't seem to log-in on Chrome anymore.
I hit "log-in" and the whole screen fades out,
but the drop-in window with email/password does not appear.
I can still play on my phone and play on I.E on my laptop, so I have work-arounds.
I'll send site feedback also, but is anyone else having log-in issues on chrome?
Usually, when people have these sort of problems the advice is to clear your cache
Do you have a build version of Chrome? (Also, Windows version too?)
You can still log in here :
The issue seems to happen whilst on this URL:
This is caused by my trying to open a saved "My Games" shortcut tab, whilst logged out.
I have been able to log-in successfully using the URL with "site/login.php" at the end, but the issue above still remains.
It's not an issue for me personally, just a minor bug specific to cookie warnings I think... could be wrong.
@64squaresofpain--All of a sudden I am not E-Mailed notified that an opponents move was made...What's up ??