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Conditional moves. Reached the maximum of 15.

Conditional moves. Reached the maximum of 15.


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I have been a subscriber. Now I am not. I got an error message for which I am unable to find information on the site.

Error message I got when trying to post a conditional move.
"Sorry, you have reached the maximum of 15 queued conditional moves for your account.Please consider subscribing to queue more conditional moves."

(F.e. I often set conditional moves like. 1.e4. Myself setting 3 contitions against 1...e5, 1...e6, 1...c5). What does this error message mean. F.e. do I get more conditional moves one year from now or do I as it can be interpretated have no coditional moves until I subscribe).

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Originally posted by bikingviking
I have been a subscriber. Now I am not. I got an error message for which I am unable to find information on the site.

Error message I got when trying to post a conditional move.
"Sorry, you have reached the maximum of 15 queued conditional moves for your account.Please consider subscribing to queue more conditional moves."

(F.e. I often set condi ...[text shortened]... year from now or do I as it can be interpretated have no coditional moves until I subscribe).
I must admit to not knowing that, 15 appears to be your maximum but surely that's in that one game...does anyone have anything more reliable, and definite, in this regard ??

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In my current game I have had 1 condition played. Total for my four games in progress is 4 conditions played, 1 condition queued.
I tried to set a conditional move after checking my opponent. Then got error message.
I surely have played a lot more than 15 conditional moves over the period of 4 years since I was a subscriber. My initial thought was that this was "something new". I remember f.e. in way back when when I had to squeeze my presentation to fit 150 (?) characters which was then changed.

The error message was strange to me. Therefore I made this post. I sure also would be happy to have the ability to make conditionals once again.

And no. I only think of this "max 15 cond." as a rather pointless feature of this site. Not the sort of thing that would tip me over the "becoming a subscripter" line.

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I also have a game which finished at 07 Dec '11 11:23 with 8 conditions total in the game (due to opponent dragging out an endgame wish already was won for me).

In the following days I intend to come back here to report if I can or can't make conditional moves.

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All very interesting. For comparison: on chess.com (where I used to be a subscriber) it now allows me only 1 conditional move in any game. Just as annoying as this must be to you. Obviously more than one site thinks that conditional moves are a must-have button for potential subscribers ...

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It is very intriguing, ..'Kewpie,' one conditional, for goodness sake that is more than just pointless, that is a case of reminding you just how surplus to requirements you've now become...it's one of those ever so polite: 'PAY UP, BUSTER' messages 😉
'bikingviking,' yes, please post whenever you get such error messages, can you point out the game also..I wonder if there's any difference with regard to 'allowable conditionals' in opening as opposed to endgame ? Seems a ridiculously stupid thing to mention but as I'm in the dark here, you never know lol Maybe it's per month or shared by your six game allotment and by the week...too much maths and far too much guesswork !! I think I'll post a note to admin and enquire further...EDIT: I've now done so, so I await a reply. EDIT2: ALSO, I've asked someone that knows just about all here...one source will beat the other but I wonder which 😀

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My assumption is that non subscribers are allowed 15 concurrent queued conditional moves across all games.

I use them often, and for a short while my sub lapsed and I was unable to queue any more. Once a conditional move is played or deleted your should be able to make another.

The Baron.

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Originally posted by BaronVonChickenpants
My assumption is that non subscribers are allowed 15 concurrent queued conditional moves across all games.
As far as I can tell, this is true. I'm not a sub, and it appears that I can only have 15 conditionals in toto.

Once a conditional move is played or deleted your should be able to make another.

Yes. As a non-sub, you can only have six games running anyway, so it isn't quite as much of a problem as it seems.

Note, though, that while conditionals are deleted when they are no longer possible due to a change in material, conditionals which can no longer be played because, for example, a pawn has advanced stay in the cue. You'll have to delete those yourself.


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