I sometimes get a game offer I am not interested in doing.How do I delete it?I looked in the FAQ and found reference to that option,but have been unable to find it so far.I have resigned them before the first move,but I would rather not have a loss on my record for a game not started.I also have a game limit as to how many I want to play.I prefer at this time to only play games against people with a star.Thanks
Originally posted by knightourIf a game shows up under "My Games " there will be a trash can to the right of the game under actions. Just click on the can.
I sometimes get a game offer I am not interested in doing.How do I delete it?I looked in the FAQ and found reference to that option,but have been unable to find it so far.I have resigned them before the first move,but I would rather not have a loss on my record for a game not started.I also have a game limit as to how many I want to play.I prefer at this time to only play games against people with a star.Thanks