Does the HELP FAQ need a slight updating? For instance, I did not find a way to select a vacation from "My Settings" directly. I also did not find, "My Settings" where I guessed that I might find it.
However, I did see "My Settings" under a list of things to select after clicking on a drop down arrow which is also used to get to the choice for "Sign Out." I use with Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 11.
Lastly, I guess Non-Subscribers cannot create a vacation time for letting others know about a delay in my being able to move my next move. Could this be changed when a Non-Subscriber is playing Subscribers? What is the reason for not allowing a Non-Subscriber to set a vacation time, at least, when playing Subscribers?
Originally posted by KingOnPointFirst point: yes, there were posts to that effect in site idaes.
Does the HELP FAQ need a slight updating? For instance, I did not find a way to select a vacation from "My Settings" directly. I also did not find, "My Settings" where I guessed that I might find it.
However, I did see "My Settings" under a list of things to select after clicking on a drop down arrow which is also used to get to the choice for "Sig ...[text shortened]... on for not allowing a Non-Subscriber to set a vacation time, at least, when playing Subscribers?
vacation: vacation is a subscriber only option. It poses some incentive to pay 🙂
Havinga pure "vacation announcement" would be an idea I would support, and should be put in Site Ideas.
The Help FAQ is constantly becoming out-of-date because of the numerous site changes, and I don't believe that even a complete rewrite would fix this for long. When Site Ideas throws up a good suggestion it's often implemented quickly, so then FAQ gets out of date again.
Perhaps what we need in FAQ is a list of recent changes. That way, those of us who've been around awhile will know where to find the new place for the familiar feature.
You no longer need to go to MySettings to do a vacation entry - Vacations is now on the same menu (the drop-down menu you get when you click on the icon) as the MySettings choice itself.
At the risk of thread drift, it does grate a bit when non-subscribers clamour for subscriber-only benefits - more games, vacations, etc. If you're not happy with life as a non-subscriber, then it's simple - become a RHP subscriber! Not only will you get a better playing experience (in my view anyway), but you'll also be funding the expansion and improvement of this site. As with any subscription, if you look at it from the perspective of what the cost equates to on a daily or weekly basis rather than a one-off annual fee, it represents very good value for money.
Originally posted by KingOnPointWhen you send a private message to someone you can tell if they have opened it or not on the "sent items" page. There is an icon of an envelope that will appear as either sealed or opened. Click the "view legends" link down at the bottom of that page for more details.
As for sending an IM in a special message to my opponents, I can't tell if they even read my messages. For instance, I can't get Luigi to respond to why he resigned our game? Telling all my opponents that I will be on a "vacation" may not even get read to start with.
Also on the messages pages there is a selection box on the upper right part of the page that allows you to show 'All, read, or unread messages.'
Perhaps you are playing against someone who does not read english or who does not understand how to use all of the features of the site, such as the private message system.
I don't see how anyone here can help explain why people do not respond to your messages, If you send an "in-game message" and tell an opponent that you are going to be away that's about all you can do. Whether or not they read it is up to them. Whether or not they time you out if they can is also up to them.
Subscribers get only two vacation-related things that you do not already have:
They get a little icon of an airplane that indicates they are on a booked vacation.
They get protection from losing regular games if they run out of time while on a booked vacation.
Other than that you have the same options as they do.
They can provide information in a 'vacation message'.
You can put the same kind of information in you profile.
There is no way to guarantee that your or their messages will be read by anyone.
On the theme of vacations and messages,It would be handy to have a "message all current opponents" feature similar to the "message all clan members".You could then tell all your opponents something like "away for a few days"without having to bother with the vacation icon.
I only use the vacation icon if I'm going to run out of timebank whilst away as it still depletes anyway.You could put a message on your profile but people don't tend to read them except at the start of a game.