why is there no automatic draws? I'm on a board with some jerk who won't accept a draw for the last 30 moves: 20 moves with 2 kings and 2 queens on the board, and now 2 kings (Game 3115025). There is no three-fold repetition or other automatic draws?
Originally posted by FutureOverachieverThere is no such thing as an automatic draw (apart from stalemate). You need to click on claim draw.
why is there no automatic draws? I'm on a board with some jerk who won't accept a draw for the last 30 moves: 20 moves with 2 kings and 2 queens on the board, and now 2 kings (Game 3115025). There is no three-fold repetition or other automatic draws?
Originally posted by FutureOverachieverThe Claim Draw link is always available to the right of the board. Invalid claims get ignored.
Okay. I haven't seen that the 'claim draw' link available to me though. Doesn't he have to offer a draw first?
A draw can be claimed after a couple of conditions; threefold repetition of position and after 50 moves without a capture/pawn move. You should be able to claim draw due to lack of material, but I don't think that is implemented on this site.
Originally posted by FutureOverachieverYou can claim a draw with only two kings left on the board. You should have claimed a draw when you took you opponents queen with your king which was the last piece on the board besides the kings.
thank you jesus.
Now I think you have to wait for your opponent to move again until you can claim a draw.
I wound suggest reading and studying the rules on claiming draws in the FAQ's. I have found them pretty important. 🙂