I have done this before and although you will not get all of them in one hit it should only take you a few goes to get them all.
You will need to download the first lot and then see what date this takes you to. You will then need to download as many as you can from this date (specify the date on the download page) and see where this takes you to. keep doing it until you have downloaded all required games.
From the beginning I've saved every games PGN in a Word file when it's done. Also I update my opening table so I can find it easily. Moreover I give some easy annotations and positions. And now and then I write it out n paper so I can enjoy to read the games.
But it would be fine to be able to email all games, even in chunks of 300. Also anyone's games, or the games for a certain tournament or leage or anything.
Originally posted by rcstasFollow the instructions above, and when you get the emails sent to you, copy the text into a notepad file and save it as .pgn (not .txt). You can then open the pgn file in chessbase.
Related somewhat to this thread, and although I have browsed previous MULTI pages of user help threads with no answer fount thus far, BUT how does one send RedHotPawn Archived games to have in file in one's ChessBase9 program?