Originally posted by Jim BuhlerIt's about the Game 7061300, right?
Thanks, Kewpie. Only problem is I'm quite computer illiterate and can find the page but not the skull
Be sure that you are on the "My Games" page. You find a link usually somewhere at the top right.
There you see a table of your active games. Some in progress, some already finished. Look at the kolumn under Actions, do you find it?
Scroll down and you see various icons, like a folder for finished games, an envelope for those opponents in need of a reminder.
Find the game in question and see if you can find a Skull icon. (Such a skull can be seen in the FAQ page you have gotten a link to.)
Do you find it? Then click it. Does something happen?
(Don't you find it? Then I don't know what's wrong. Then it's time to use the "Send Feedback" link at the bottom of each page and explain your problem.)
This should solve your problem. If not, tell us again.
Originally posted by Jim BuhlerNo, you are not too dumb. Many of the non-intuitive features on this site are undocumented.
Thanks, guys for trying too help. I'm just too dumb. But at least I'll be able to point somebody in the right direction now that knows something about computors. None of my friends that know anything about computors don't play chess, but now i'm sure they can help me out
Have you found the place where the skull should be?
Have you sent a feedback and asked (or provided a link to this thread) the RHP staff about your problem? If everything else fails, you should to that.