Netflix arrived in Australia about the time this site update went live. RedHotPawn/Firefox has slowed considerably since then, but so has IE, and every site using the Australia-US pipeline. Downloading time has approximately tripled here. I've blamed the Netflix thing for clogging up the internet. How is the speed of other US sites for you?
Originally posted by KewpieI only ever go on RHP and my yahoo uk mail so can't really say.
Netflix arrived in Australia about the time this site update went live. RedHotPawn/Firefox has slowed considerably since then, but so has IE, and every site using the Australia-US pipeline. Downloading time has approximately tripled here. I've blamed the Netflix thing for clogging up the internet. How is the speed of other US sites for you?
We've had netflix for years so I don't think it can be that.
After the first "connecting" delay today it's actually not been that bad.
It's like when you make a doctors appointment.
As soon as you put the phone down it starts getting better!!
Thanks for replying.