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How do I un-archive a game?

How do I un-archive a game?


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I want to un-archive games so they will appear in my normal inbox again. I think it's kinda dumb that archiving games takes them out of the inbox. I would like to archive games AND keep a record of them in my inbox to keep an eye on my winning and losing streaks.

How do I un-archive games? Thanks in advance for any help!

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From "My Games" (in the command bar above) go to your archives. Then "Manage Games" (again above). That creates a series of check boxes on the right side, you may have to scroll to see them. Check the games you wish to move. Then back to the left side for "Move to Folder" and select where you want to put them. I don't think you can have duplicate copies of games in different folders.

May I suggest not jamming up your inbox with finished games. Create new folders (to the left ("Manage Folders" ). I have one titled "Losses to Study", unfortunately it has 100's of games. 🙁

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Originally posted by MontyMoose
From "My Games" (in the command bar above) go to your archives. Then "Manage Games" (again above). That creates a series of check boxes on the right side, you may have to scroll to see them. Check the games you wish to move. Then back to the left side for "Move to Folder" and select where you want to put them. I don't think you can have duplicate copies o ...[text shortened]... ers" ). I have one titled "Losses to Study", unfortunately it has 100's of games. 🙁
That's definitely the way to keep the best records.
I have lots of folders clan wins/loss/draws (3 folders) ladder wins/loss/draws and so on.
You can have up to 24 folders I think.

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