I keep having the same repetitive dream every Thursday night, but I don't know what it means, or if it even means anything.
I'm walking on the beach during a sunset. I look up to watch the sun's many beatiful colors, and my feet begin to get cold. I assume it's a wave at first, but when I look down I'm walking on ice. I look around, and I'm on a small iceberg surrounded on all sides by the ocean. The sun has turned into a large wall clock at this point. A walrus hauls himself onto the iceberg and flops toward me. He looks strangely like Sherlock Holmes. "Right this way Mr. Kennedy," he says motioning with a flipper toward a 1970's car that's pulled up beside us. Inside is John Lenin who offers me an autograph, pulling out a pen in the shape of a double-helix. Just as I'm about to climb in, the car turns into a banana, which is abruptly injested by the walrus. The walrus, now fatter than ever, flops his way back into the ocean without a word. I sit down, suddenly heart shadderingly lonely. I contimplate jumping in after the walrus, but that'll surely spell death, and I can see from the sun-clock that it's already been an hour since he left. Suddenly, a giant bar of Irish Spring Soap falls from the sky, and breaks a 10 foot hole in the iceberg, that has now become the Titanic. It begins to sink, and the last thought that dominates my mind before I'm swallowed up into the icy ocean, and waking up wide eyed, gasping for breath, with a racing heart, is "Why can't we all just agree on a pronunciation for the word 'tomato'?"
Just recently, the answer to that question has occured to me. Some people think it'd make more sense if it rhymed with 'potato', and some think it'd just confuse things further.
Any interpretations?
Originally posted by Daemon SinI think it does have something to do with the monkeys. And the walrus swallowing it illustrates the polar (pun intended tehe 😛) conflict between the good walri, and the bad monkeys. But there is still so much more that needs interpreting. I think this could have a huge impact on my life if I figure out what it means.
You eat too much cheese before you go to bed!
Either that or the HUGE banana has something to do with Monkeys... 😉
You seem to have serious issues with your walrusness. In your dream, you act like a human, walking, sitting down etc. That indicates a desire to be human. Maybe you feel inferior to humans. My advice: Embrace your walrusness. If you get a chance (might be difficult on your iceberg), study human behaviour. You will soon notice how silly they really are. They are not better than walri. Also think of this - they have the same ancestors as those awful monkeys! You are really better off being a walrus.
Originally posted by nstynickJust move your king two squares to where he's supposed to go, and hit the move button. The rook will follow.
Im new to this site, tried playing a game and guess what, I cant castle, or at least I don't know how to, help!!
But for things like this, you should start a new thread, instead of posting in an unrelated one.