I just did this with no problem. I cut and pasted the fen from one of my games and made sure there were no spaces at start and end of the fen info. between the bracket and the pasted text. In this case I did not use the link you mentioned, but just typed in the square brackets and the fen and /fen text.
Sorry, I'm getting the terms confused.
The Fens work for me also,it's the pgn's(interactive boards) that give the error.
This it what it says in FAQ
In order to display an interactive board within a forum post you will need to enter the following code when writing your post:
As an example, to view the Immortal Game, you would post this :
Well it worked, but the error message is still there!!
I just used copy and paste on this pgn and used the "insert pgn" link with no problems and I did not get any error messages or anything.
I also did a copy and paste of the pgn of the immortal game shown in the FAQ and inserted it into another post and previewed it. That also worked with no problems and no messages.
With the pgn you are originally having problems with, are you using a pgn from one of the games on this site, or are you copying it from elsewhere?
Originally posted by mwmillerFrom the site.
[pgn][Event "Challenge"] [Site "http://www.timeforchess.com"] [Date "2013.01.26"] [Round "?"] [White "mwmiller"] [Black "opponent"] [WhiteRating "1312"] [BlackRating "1166"] [WhiteElo "1312"] [BlackElo "1166"] [Result "*"] [GameId "9807588"] 1. e4 e5 2. Ng1f3 Ng8f6 3. Nb1c3 d6 4. d4 d5 5. exd5 Nf6xd5 6. Nc3xd5 Qd8xd5 7. dxe5 *[/pgn]
I just used copy and ...[text shortened]... m one of the games on this site, or are you copying it from elsewhere?
It must be a slip of the fingers or something.
Thanks anyway.
At least I now know the principal is right.
I vaguely remember another post where the poster said the pgn's don't always work.