I took the Firefox update yesterday. I had not visited RHP until today. On the main page, I can no longer see "Recent Checkmates". There is a big blank space there now.
Although I run a few 'privacy' addons, I had no trouble seeing all of RHP last week. Earlier today, I disabled all my addons, refreshed my page, but still see a blank spot for Recent Checkmates.
I am able to see my current game, bring up the analyze board, and do other various things.
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions beyond the normal disable/clear cache/refresh/etc?
Thank you.
I use firefox 28.0 and they keep trying to get me to update to the most recent version.
I really am happy to just use what I have and am not interested in updating. Everything seems to work fine and I guess I'm "old-school". If it ain't broke, don't fix it?
I need to go back and disable the "auto update" option in more of my programs.