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my sone deleted my icon now i have to typ rhp in to use it can you replase it ???:'(:'

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How to do a castle move?? The king and rook don't want to change!!!

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Originally posted by Byba
How to do a castle move?? The king and rook don't want to change!!!
You may be castling illegally. How you do it is click on the King, then click on the square the King is moving to, then click "move". The board will update with the Rook on the correct square. If that isn't working, look to be sure that none of the squares that the King is moving from, through, or to are under attack. You can't castle out of or through check.

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Originally posted by Byba
How to do a castle move?? The king and rook don't want to change!!!
Hi byba; umm. I will go into some detail about it for you.

Okay well...

Things that Prevent the White King from Castling.

#1. If the king has moved to any squares other than g1 or c1 as
his first move than he cannot castle.
(White King moves to g1 for kingside castling, c1 for queen side castling. Black King moves to g8 for kingside castling, c8 for queen side.)

#2. If the Rook moves too any square before the king moves that forfeits your king's opportunity to castle on whatever side that the
rook had moved.
(For example:
· if white's h1 rook moves to g1, f1 or any other square than white can no longer castle kingside.
· if white's a1 rook moves to b1, c1, d1 or any other square than white
can no longer castle queenside.)

#3. If an enemy piece is attacking a square that is in between the king and rook this prevents castling.
(for example:
for kingside castling for white, squares f1 & g1 cannot be
attacked. f8 & g8 for black.
for queen side castling for white, squares b1, c1 or d1 cannot be attacked. For black b8,c8 or d8 cannot be attacked.)

#4. And finally, if the king is in check (i.e. being attacked by an enemy piece) then he of course cannot castle.

I could be missing something else but I think that is it.
Well good luck with your castling goals. Now go kick butt ! 🙂🙂

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Originally posted by reeltime11
my sone deleted my icon now i have to typ rhp in to use it can you replase it ???:'(:'
wow that really sucks. Sorry that happened to you. I hope you find someone who can help with that. Good luck reeltime. I am clueless about things like this. Wish i could help.

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Originally posted by reeltime11
my sone deleted my icon now i have to typ rhp in to use it can you replase it ???:'(:'
You got to be a bit more descriptive. Was it an icon on your desktop, within Firefox, was it just in your favourites?

As it stands, i don't even have a clue what your problem is.


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