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New timeout method

New timeout method


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As you will remember, we have discussed ways to improve the timeout mechanism on this site many times in the past.

In the next few days I propose to introduce a new system that will work as below. Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Games will have a standard timeout period (as currently)

In addition, games will have a 'timebank' period.

The 'timebank' period will be reserve time for the entire game. Once you have exceeded the standard timeout period, you will begin eating into your timebank period. If you have no timebank time left, you will be subject to current timeout rules.

If the timebank period is set to be zero days, then the system will work exactly as it does currently.

You will be able to select the timebank days from the create game screen in the same way that you currently select the timeout days.


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Originally posted by Chrismo

You will be able to select the timebank days from the create game screen in the same way that you currently select the timeout days.

Well, what happens if any one just picks a really high number of days?


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Originally posted by TimmyToilet
Well, what happens if any one just picks a really high number of days?

Hi Tim,

There would be a selection of timebank periods just as there is currently a selection of timeout periods.


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Originally posted by Chrismo

As you will remember, we have discussed ways to improve the timeout mechanism on this site many times in the past.

In the next few days I propose to introduce a new system that will work as below. Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Games will have a standard timeout period (as currently)

In addition, games will have a 'timebank' ...[text shortened]... create game screen in the same way that you currently select the timeout days.

Would this help someone like bobla45 who goes away for up to three weeks at a time every now and again... but who moves lots of times a day when he's here?


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Originally posted by Rhymester
Would this help someone like bobla45 who goes away for up to three weeks at a time every now and again... but who moves lots of times a day when he's here?

Yes. Someone who moves like this would normally probably have to choose 21 day timeouts. Under the new system, bobla45 could choose 1 day timeouts with a 21 day timebank.

The main reason for myself choosing long timeout periods is for the safety net. The timebank system will allow you to choose the timeout period that more closely matches your speed of move without fear of the exceptional occasions when you can't move.

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Originally posted by Chrismo
Yes. Someone who moves like this would normally probably have to choose 21 day timeouts. Under the new system, bobla45 could choose 1 day timeouts with a 21 day timebank.

The main reason for myself choosing long timeout periods is for the safety net. The timebank system will allow you to choose the timeout period that more closely matches your speed of move without fear of the exceptional occasions when you can't move.
Excellent! Rhymester could start playing 1 or 3 day timeouts - watch out world! πŸ˜‰


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Yes this sounds interesting. I used to play a lot of postal chess. The way that operated was that the time counted aginst you was the time in days between your receipt of a move and the date of your reply. You were allowed (say) 20 days for every 10 moves and any time saved was to your advantage. So that if you only used 10 days for the first 10 moves you would have 30 days to reach move 20. This is still the best way to deal with the time problem as it is the most like OTB chess and deals with the 'vacation problem' by allowing you to store up time in hand. I have no idea whether such an approach is applicable to turn-based internet chess. If it is I suggest it should be employed. If it isn't, then your timebank solution seems the next best thing. Certainly there is limited appeal in the idea of continuing to be a member of a chess site where I may lose every game in a tournament because I want to take a fortnight's holiday with my family.

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this whole timeout thing should just a automatic site setting , take away the ability from people like tim toilet who jump on the button the second the death skull appears . my suggestion is this for a 0ne day t\o have 24 hrs grace period before the site automaticly awards the win , 3 , 7 and 14 days maybe a 48 hr period and 21 days a 24 hrs grace period as well . if the site does it for everybody than no more complaints.

just a thought , bill wπŸ˜€

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Superb idea Chrismo, the best idea since sliced bread πŸ™‚

Especially with a 1 day timeout period coming into play

Pass the butter pleaseπŸ™‚

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Why is it that the simple solutions are always the best?!

Good idea.


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How will this apply to Tournament and Clan games?


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The simplest Timeout system is, as it is in classical chess: you habe 2 hours. or: you have 30 days. when they are over, it's over.
here you use not a gamebased system but a move based: you have 7 days for every move.
Now what you propose Chrismo is a combination of those two, no?
So will it be possible to play games here at RHP with classical chess T/O? I just choose "0 days T/O" with "30 days timebank".
yeeeesss? πŸ˜€

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Originally posted by Rhymester
How will this apply to Tournament and Clan games?

To begin with we will keep all tournament and clan games on a '0 day' timebank. If the timebank becomes popular for normal games we will introduce it for clan and tourney games.


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Originally posted by thire
So will it be possible to play games here at RHP with classical chess T/O? I just choose "0 days T/O" with "30 days timebank".
yeeeesss? πŸ˜€
This sounds interesting. I had not considered this way of using it, but I see no reason why we could not introduce a zero day timeout period so you could play as you describe.

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Originally posted by billwesthoff
this whole timeout thing should just a automatic site setting , ... . if the site does it for everybody than no more complaints.

just a thought , bill wπŸ˜€
Given the amount of bad feeling that TOs are able to cause, I agree that automating time outs after the timebank (a good idea by the way Chrismo) has elapsed would make sense.

If you can't move within the normal move period AND the timebank, then you are holding up your opponent and basically treating them with very little respect.

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