Originally posted by rossolimoYou have to click the skull, click 'my games' and then 'opponents move' and you'll see a skull next to it, this times the game out for you...EDIT: In case you haven't an active 'games status filter' in order to see the opponents moves, just look down the left hand margin..you'll find it under 'search for game'..once you've clicked the games status filter you can see the status of all your games...'all', 'my move', 'opponents move' and 'complete.' I hope this helps...
My opponent hasn't moved since June 16th and has no time bank remaining and no time on the game remaining, yet it doesn't show him losing on time. It still shows it is his move. Anyone know what he hasn't lost on time?
Originally posted by hari1974This game? Game 8534548
my opponent has 15hrs and 51sec only. the same is being shown since 24hrs.
The "clock" at RHP is set up with 2 parts. The first is "timeout" (1day..3days..etc), which is always there and the second is the optional "timebank"(0days..1day..3days..etc). Timeout is the period from your opponent's last move until when you need to make a move in reply. After you move, your timeout resets to the agreed on period. If you do not make a move during the timeout period, then you start to use up your timebank, if any is available. This timebank does <not> reset and once used is gone for that game.
In your game the 15hrs/51sec is timebank and it is not changing because your opponent is still using their timeout period.
When both timeout (first) and timebank (second) has expired, then the dreaded skull appears. Click the skull, confirm that choice, and you win the game by timeout .
See here: FAQ
I challenged a player on the 3-day ladder, he was given white to play, so now his time bank has expired, but because the game never started, I do not get it listed in "My Games" and cannot delete the game. What do I do now?
Belay my last! I tried the filter thing that was written about above . . interestingly, if "all" is clicked, a non-started game doesn't show . . . but if you click "opponents move" it shows non-started games and the skull! Yea!