Hit 'my games' above and left here and that'll take you to various folders.
Then directly under the 'ladders' icon hit 'manage games'.. then, on the left, you'll see selected games and 'email pgn' listed..then it's a simple case of looking at your games and selecting which you wish to forward..there is a select \ check box you must tick to the far right after game frequencies of last move made etc.
Just found this lol:
Of course, 3b Terms of Service state:
(b) While a game is in progress you may not refer to chess engines, chess computers or be assisted by a third party. Endgame tablebases may not be consulted during play but you may reference books, databases consisting of previously played games between human players, and other pre-existing research materials.
You'll find all you need here:
Originally posted by Shallow BlueIt's human nature for 50% of us...insomuch as 50% of us never read the 'how to' instructions when buying anything from a toaster to a new car. I learnt that with a mobile fone I'd been given recently, how to 'easily transfer numbers from one fone to another,' it said on the box...I did 'transfer' them all, yes I did..unfortunately I transferred them all to the 'delete button' ... sometimes even the 50% that READ all the bloody instructions occasionally just get too overly impatient lol...
What's more, the top post in this forum says, and always says, "Please read the site FAQ before posting".
Guess how many people don't...
Originally posted by RevRSleekerDigressing somewhat, I remember a story about an accusation in a newspaper which stated that 50% of a council were corrupt.
It's human nature for 50% of us...insomuch as 50% of us never read the 'how to' instructions when buying anything from a toaster to a new car. I learnt that with a mobile fone I'd been given recently, how to 'easily transfer numbers from one fone to another,' it said on the box...I did 'transfer' them all, yes I did..unfortunately I transferred them all ...[text shortened]... hat READ all the bloody instructions occasionally just get too overly impatient lol...
The council demanded an apology and in the next issue they printed that they apologised for the previous statement, and in fact 50% of the council were not corrupt.
Originally posted by vendaHow often do you find the perfect riposte when it's too late to use it? I just loved that one of yours ...
Digressing somewhat, I remember a story about an accusation in a newspaper which stated that 50% of a council were corrupt.
The council demanded an apology and in the next issue they printed that they apologised for the previous statement, and in fact 50% of the council were not corrupt.