Originally posted by MissOleumyou can move a piece by setting it, then pressing the ''submit move'' button, do it 8 times and you get a game with 8 moves;o
I don't get it - this game's eight moves in Game 4503506
Originally posted by MissOleumClearly zoozoo did not read the thread.
Sorry, I still don't get it - the game doesn't have a "set piece" indicator, so how can you do an opponent's moves?
Dan said that he had not moved in the game in question. I think he started playing one game against that opponent and the opponent kept sending him more challenges.
clearly Drew F didnt get my name right.
and in the Game 4503506, game both players moved. either Dan got sick of keep deleting the games and started playing one, or he started playing a game and the other person kept sending him more challences like drew said.
Originally posted by Dan007Don't delete it.
and i cannot delete it! I havent moved in the game and i dont want to play it! Superstar8228 keeps challenging me. what can i do?
You are a subscriber, he isn't so just leave them there and don't move.
He will soon get fed up with a non mover taking up his 6 slots and delete them himself.