@jedn8r saidYou will need to send feedback
after several years of being off this chess site I can't seem to access my old profile or rating (1690) and kick start it, obviously im not keen on starting again if I can help it after all the work it took to get to that rating.
any help
I think profiles are deleted after so long
Do you remember your original username, and the email address you used before for registration?
You will most likely need that information, along with your previous password.
As already mentioned, I suspect you will need to send feedback to get help with this.
ok, thanks,
ive gone back through my emails and found some of my last moves with my rating # and my username is a slight variation of my current one im sure I could work out my email as I've only had 2,from memory (im old now)my friend set me up on this site so we could play chess when he was overseas.
he has passed now
@jedn8r saidYou said your username was a slight variation of your current one, so I looked up some similar usernames and came up with "jedan8r" with a Rating of 1690.
ok, thanks,
ive gone back through my emails and found some of my last moves with my rating # and my username is a slight variation of my current one im sure I could work out my email as I've only had 2,from memory (im old now)my friend set me up on this site so we could play chess when he was overseas.
he has passed now
So if that's you, you might be able to re-activate your old account. Try it with your best guess on the email address, and see if you can get in and ask for a new password. Click where it has a link if you forgot your password.
Once you get that new password sent to your email, you can use that to get in and then change your password to one you want.
You may still need to try using feedback to get some help from admin.
edit: If you are "jedan8r" it looks like that username has not been used since about Feb., 2019.
Another question for you. Are you using a computer to access the website, or are you using one of the apps for an iphone or android device?
If you're using a computer and a browser, the browser may have saved all of your previous log-in information. I use firefox on a laptop and firefox stores my data, making it easier to log in.