A perhaps new idea concerning the vacation-problem:
What about the possibility to stop the opponent's clock (t/b and t/o). I can choose this option when (s)he is on vacation. Of course this is volontary. And it is something like people can't be timed out while on vacation - they can, but I can forbid me this myself.
sounds strage, no? but it makes it easier for me to t/o someone who did not move for ages, ignored my movereminders and wasn't on vacation...
What Thire is saying, and I agree that it's a great idea, is that, when your opponent is on vacation, _you_ can stop their clock, if you wish. You would presumably do so only if you believed that they were genuinely on vacation. It could be very useful if you were playing an interesting game in a tournament and did not want it to end by timeout. It would also allow someone like purclecow to start games with short timeouts and not worry about losing them all when she goes to sea.
Of course as soon as your opponent takes their vacation flag off (to move in any game), their clock would start again in your game, and you would need a very good explanation before you stopped their clock a second time.
Okay, I wasn't very clear...
This has nothing to do with vacation signs. It's just realted to it.
The problem is the following: I play against someone 3 days t/o, 7 days t/b. Hs is on vacation for 10 days, I "accept" that and do not time him out. But he has eaten his t/b. He can't use it anymore and I will time him out when I can do so next time.
Timebanks were made to speed up playing and not (primarly) to allow people to go on vacation.
It would be nice to be able to stop clocks (when I wish to do so - when he is on vacation for example) to see better, what really is happening with movespeed of my opponent.
clearer now what I meant?
PS: I wrote this offline and posted it now... Roland Young is right with what he said! 100 supported 🙂
Tournaments take long enough to complete as it is and that's with the 2 day automatically time out rule. I wouldn't want to see tournaments delayed any further.
I think this has been discussed and considered many times before and it's the reason why putting the vacation flag on doesn't actually halt play in tournaments and leaves timing out players in non-tournament games down to the discretion of the opponent.
Originally posted by thireThis is illogical - if you didn't time him out when he was on vacation - why would you time him out when he has used up his time bank?
Okay, I wan't very clear...
This has nothing to do with vacation signs. It's just realted to it.
The problem is the following: I play against someone 3 days t/o, 7 days t/b. Hs is on vacation for 10 days, I "accept" that and do not time him out. But he has eaten his t/b. He can't use it anymore and I will time him out when I can do so next time.
Timeba ...[text shortened]... e better, what really is happening with movespeed of my opponent.
clearer now what I meant?
Instead of putting his clock on stop for him, why don't you make his next move for him if you want to be this helpful!
I think it's down to the individual to take responsibilty for their own games and if they start loads of short timebank games when they know they're going on holiday for 2 weeks it's their own stupid fault, in my honest opinion.
What I think I would like to see implemented is a compromise. Give each paid subscriber (yes, paid subscribers only; sorry, non-Pawn Stars) so many allowable days of vacation time per year, somewhere between 20 and 30. When you choose to go on vacation, you start using your allowable vacation time, the clcok stops running on all your non-tourney games, and you can no longer see these games. However, this would not affect tournament games (or siege games). The clock would still run on your tourney games, and you'd be able to access these games if you'd like. So tournament games would be essntially unchanged, and you'd join a tournament at your own risk, just like now. But at least you can go on vacation and not have to worry about the clock running on the rest of your games.
I honestly think this would be the best system; nearly all correspondence chess associations allow their participants so many "free" days throughout the year. The USCF allows for 30 days vacation time per year, and they'll allow for more than that if you have a unique situation that warrants it.
Originally posted by Natural ScienceThis woud be perfect, in my opinion, and it's what I have asked for in the Automatic timeout thread.
What I think I would like to see implemented is a compromise. Give each paid subscriber (yes, paid subscribers only; sorry, non-Pawn Stars) so many allowable days of vacation time per year, somewhere between 20 and 30. When you ch ...[text shortened]... more than that if you have a unique situation that warrants it.
The USCF allows for 30 days vacation time per year, and they'll allow for more than that if you have a unique situation that warrants it. [/b]You forget that I can write a letter from a lot more places than I can get net access. eg. Vietnam, Zimbabwe... Every large town has a postal servece, but even major cities don't have net cafes.