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White Text on Almost White Background

White Text on Almost White Background


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Since the new page format was introduced it is almost impossible to read some of the boxes including the Inbox. I would like to know how to control the text color so I can read the names of the players and whether the box says "Waiting" or names a player. The white text on an almost white background is a bad idea.

Ray Z.

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@Ray-Zachary said
Since the new page format was introduced it is almost impossible to read some of the boxes including the Inbox. I would like to know how to control the text color so I can read the names of the players and whether the box says "Waiting" or names a player. The white text on an almost white background is a bad idea.

Ray Z.
On my chromebook .nothing has changed regarding the colour scheme.
I don't use any other platform.

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I too am having difficulty with being able to read some of the very pale blue text that is on a light-colored background.
I would like to see the pale text color darkened everywhere.

Until that happens, this may help, if you want to give it a try.

Maybe switching to a different theme will help with the problem.
If you're on a computer, you could try this and see if it helps.

1. Go to the top right corner of the page and click the "My Account" icon.
2. Switch to the "My Settings" page.
3. Drop down to "Theme Settings"
4. Switch to the various theme choices and try different ones.
*Be sure to go to the bottom of the page and click the UPDATE box to switch themes.

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Another thought. Have you tried the "Dark Theme" option?
Go to the 'My account' button at the top right, as before, then just drop down to the bottom of that window that opens and you will see the link.

I'm not a big fan of 'dark mode' usually, but I'm trying it a little right now and the text seems more viewable.


Thanks for all your suggestions. I did some digging based on the responses and found out my Safari version was old and did not respond to a change of Themes. I switched to Firefox and Chrome and the Theme change worked well. I also was able to get a newer version of Safari to work on a newer computer with a more advanced OS and browser.

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