I now can understand why you don't understand .... 😀
I made a mistake writing English.
An exclamation mark is as follows, like this !
Three exclamation marks are like this !!!
I don't know the English term for these marks, like this "
Three of these marks are like this """
I made the mistake of calling these marks """ exclamation marks.
The whole thread becomes rather funny if you read it in this perspective.
I apologise for the inconvenience. I hope you all can laugh about this mistake of mine.
I've experienced such misunderstandings many times. The confusion on both sides can eventually become quite hilarious. 😀
Originally posted by ivanhoeThey are called quote marks, quotation marks or, to be precise, double quote marks or double-quotes.
I don't know the English term for these marks, like this "
Three of these marks are like this """
Some people call them (double) inverted commas because, in many fonts, they look like upside-down versions of the comma (,)
If you want to write them in HTML or XML, you use the character entity """. In other programming languages, you have to use double double-quotes to get them to appear, in others again you have to prefix with a backslash (\"😉. Getting this right when accepting user input is a huge headache; I suspect that this accounts for the strange effect that this thread is supposed to be about.😕
There used to be (and may still be) a bug of this type concerning single quote marks (also known as apostrophes) in in-game messages: I used sometimes to see a backslash appear in my messages, like this "There\'s something wrong here"
If all the above shows up the way I intend it to, without needing an edit, I'll be amazed.🙄
Originally posted by ivanhoeIt is understandabe now and I laughed, it was (a bit) funny!
To clarify what I mean:
If I make the first post in a newly ceated thread by me I always have to edit and add these marks " ". They never stick the first time I post. So, I have to push the <edit> button and add all the " marks.
I hope it is understandable now 😵
I think this has to do with the fact that html code is masked when you write in the forum: you can't make any links and so on (and no quotations).
There seems to ba a very smal bug with that in the "reply&quote".
Originally posted by RolandYoungRY: There's an unwanted smiley "😉 where I put " followed by )
It's worse than I expected! There's an unwanted smiley "😉 where I put " followed by ), and when I try to edit the post, I get an error 😲ðŸ˜
I've experienced this many times. In a serious post it sometimes is very embarrassing. It teached me to always check my post after posting .....
("example"😉 becomes ["example"]