Originally posted by wormwoodI was thinking that but after looking at it...if white takes the pawn black seems to be able to equalize. If white refuses to give the pawn back then he seems to get good chances of winning...I haven't looked at the simple 2.d6 though.
the first one is okay, the second will likely land black in trouble similarly to 1.f4 f5.
Originally posted by !~TONY~!I am pretty sure it is terrible...but what should white do? Should white take the pawn or protect it with moves like 2.d6?
1. e4 c5 2. f4 is OK for White. Black is absolultely fine after 2..d5!, which is why most players who want to play the Grand Prix Attack start with 2. Nc3. 1. e4 f5, is, as I'm sure you already know, terrible. I think you know better than to ask. 😀
Well, number 1, 2. d6 isn't a possible move. I'm sure you're referring to 2. d3 which isn't very good in my opinion. Use some sense. If you play 1. e4, you are literally playing the best (along with 1. d4) move on the board. If someone then plays 1..f5, there is literally no way that just giving a pawn away straight out of the opening and weakening your kingside is a good way to play. If Black could play like this, chess as a logical game would have no meaning. As white, you shouldn't even have to think about it, you take that pawn. Black has to play 2..Nf6 to stop Qh5+, in which case you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want, but I think I would play:
1. e4 f5? 2. exf5 Nf6 3. Be2!
threatening the devastating 4. Bh5+. Blacks next is almost forced:
3..h5 4. d4 d5
This is generally the whole idea behind this silly 1..f5 business. To try to play some king's gambit style position as black, a tempo down. Unfortunately chess isn't that easy.
5. Bd3!
And Black is lost. Also note that 3. g4!? springs to mind, and I'm sure white's winning after that move too.
Originally posted by !~TONY~!yes I meant 2.d3 and thanx I was having trouble with this and 3..h5 isn't as good as 3...d5 I am pretty sure even though the king will have to go to d7.
Well, number 1, 2. d6 isn't a possible move. I'm sure you're referring to 2. d3 which isn't very good in my opinion. Use some sense. If you play 1. e4, you are literally playing the best (along with 1. d4) move on the board. If someone then plays 1..f5, there is literally no way that just giving a pawn away straight out of the opening and weakening your kin so note that 3. g4!? springs to mind, and I'm sure white's winning after that move too.
Originally posted by tomtom2321. e4 ... c5;
are these playable or is it a stupid idea to try them?
2. f4 is pefectly playable when black can respond 2. ... d5; 2. ... Nc6 or 2. ... Nf6. 2. ... d5 is probably the most aggressive and best when 3. ed ... Nf6; 4. Nf3 ... Nxd5 gives black early equality.
1. e4 ... f5?? is just stupidity. 2. ef wins a pawn and black has no compensation.
Originally posted by tomtom2323...d5 doesn't look too nice after 4. Bh5 Kd7 and a simple 5. Nf3. 3...e5 might be playable. But I'm not in a rush to try any of them out.
yes I meant 2.d3 and thanx I was having trouble with this and 3..h5 isn't as good as 3...d5 I am pretty sure even though the king will have to go to d7.