I just finished up my two games with FHLs Akashic and thought I would share my annotations. The first game is a dragon which I lost due to a horrendous blunder, but I appear to have been lost anyway after getting greedy and "winning an exchange" on f8 (giving up my dark square bishop). The second game is a french advance which was eventually decided when his opening of the kingside backfired as my rooks got there first. No computers were used in this analysis.
[Event "Clan league"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame.com"]
[Date "2008.01.21"]
[EndDate "2008.01.30"]
[Round "?"]
[White "zebano"]
[Black "Akashic"]
[WhiteRating "1732"]
[BlackRating "1713"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "4518354"]
1. e4 c5
2. Ng1f3 d6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Nf3xd4 Ng8f6
5. Nb1c3 g6
6. Bc1e3 Bf8g7
7. f3 O-O
8. Qd1d2 Nb8c6
9. O-O-O d5
10. exd5 Nf6xd5
11. Nd4xc6 bxc6
12. Be3d4 e5
13. Bd4c5 Bc8e6
14. Nc3e4 Ra8b8 {this was all book for me through here}
15. c4 Qd8c7 {trying to pry open the center in the hopes that it would blunt your queenside attack, nice counter by pinning to king}
16. Bc5xf8 Bg7xf8 {cxd was an obvious win for blackafter ...cxd . My thought was that by playing b3 I could hold after taking the exchange and the doubled heavy pieces on the d-file would provide counter play. I could find no specific lines for myself, but also none for you that I couldn't counter. }
17. Kc1b1 Bf8b4
18. Qd2h6 Nd5c3 {Bb4 was an excellent intermediate move prior to moving the knight. Qc1, Ba3 -+, so I played the move that I thought would slow you down by making you deal with Nf6 threats}
19. bxc3 Bb4f8 {bxc clearly loses. I spent so much time analyzing your various Bxc3+ and Ba3+ that I completely overlooked dropping the queen. Instead I think I prefer Kc2, Nxe4, fxe4 when I have to solve the problem of developing my bishop (and surviving), but I can play potentially play b3 and I think I survive a little longer but I still like black better.
I think the game would finish Qa5 (what else?), a3, Qa4+, Kc1 (Kb1?, Bxa3), Bxa3, bxa3, Qxa3+, Kc2, Rb2#
If I were to play this line again, I would not play Bxf8 as the dark square bishop is a huge factor in so many variation.
Followed up with what I deem to be one of my better games lately
[Event "Clan league"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame.com"]
[Date "2008.01.21"]
[EndDate "2008.02.25"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Akashic"]
[Black "zebano"]
[WhiteRating "1713"]
[BlackRating "1732"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "4518514"]
1. e4 e6
2. d4 d5
3. e5 c5
4. c3 Qd8b6 {played to prevent 5. Be3}
5. Ng1f3 Bc8d7 {looking to trade off the "french bishop"}
6. Bf1d3 Bd7b5 {I didn't like white's move as I am looking to exchange those bishops in my opinion best is a3, a5 (to stop b4) when black can no longer exchange off his weakness due to Bb5, Qb3). Another very interesting option is the immediate 6. Qb3!?}
7. dxc5 Bf8xc5
8. b4 Bb5xd3
9. Qd1xd3 Bc5f8 {9. bxc5?, Qa6/b5 and white cannot castle and will have trouble with his c-pawns). Bf8 was played because I wanted to reserve e7 for my knight and the bishop doesn't do much there. The game is closed enough that I don't have to worry about quick castling yet)}
10. Bc1e3 Qb6c7
11. O-O a6 { a6 was probably a wasted move as I no longer have to worry about an attacking light squared bishop. Nc6 is probably better and forces the reply Bf4 }
12. Rf1e1 Nb8c6
13. Be3d4 Ng8h6 {thats a rather large pawn on d4, but what else can it do? I prefer for white to play for a c5 break since black is behind in development}
14. Nb1a3 Nh6f5 {I prefer Nbd2 instead of Na3 as I still think c5 is the focal point. However this does give white the option of playing b5, axb, Nxb5, Qmoves, Nd6+, Bxd6 may be worth playing in some instances}
15. Na3c2 Nf5xd4 {Be7 is blacks other option preparing to meet g4 with Nh4, but I was planning to simplify down to what I believe is a draw}
16. Nc2xd4 Nc6xd4 {16. cxd is interesting since it gets rid of whites backward pawn and allows his rooks to double on the c-file }
17. Nf3xd4 Ra8c8
18. Re1e3 Bf8e7 {Now I prefer black since the c3 pawn is a static weakness and will be the focal point of my play}
19. f4 Qc7c4 {trying to delay white's ability to play f5}
20. Qd3d1 g6 {to stop f5}
21. g4 h5
22. Re3h3 Ke8d7 {Rh3 was unexpected but after Kd7 the inevitable opening of the kingside should favor blacks rooks which can get over there fastest}
23. f5 gxf5 {23. Qa5+ was an option, but I think Qc7 solves blacks problems. Instead 23. g5 would close up the game and will probably draw as the c3 weakness alone is not enough for black to break out}
24. gxf5 Rc8g8
25. Kg1f2 Rg8g4
26. Rh3xh5 Rg4f4 {fxe+, fxe, Qa5+, Kc8 and whites queen can no longer defend so he must continue Nxe6 (to guard f5/8) but Bh4+ leaves black better. Rf4+ was however the winning move. White will lose something due to his exposed king.}
27. Kf2g3 Rh8xh5
Originally posted by zebanoMy 2 cents:
No one wants to correct my annotations?
(one and only one bumpity bump here in the hope of getting useful feedback).
In the first game, I still think, as we discussed in that consultation game against the Dune Clan, that 9.Bc4 is better over 9. 0-0-0, cause it's safer. Maybe, that was the source of your problems in the game.
In the second game, you showed exactly why I don't like to play against the french. You make some 'normal' moves as white, and, then, you''re lost. 😛
On the other hand, after 9. Qxd3, why not 9... Bxf2+, instead of 9... Bf8?
Originally posted by Tatarana CrocodiloThanks for your input. 9. Bxf2+ drops the bishop because it has no retreat squares.
In the second game, you showed exactly why I don't like to play against the french. You make some 'normal' moves as white, and, then, you''re lost. 😛
On the other hand, after 9. Qxd3, why not 9... Bxf2+, instead of 9... Bf8?
Originally posted by zebanogaining the exchange doesn't lose the game.
I just finished up my two games with FHLs Akashic and thought I would share my annotations. The first game is a dragon which I lost due to a horrendous blunder, but I appear to have been lost anyway after getting greedy and "winning an exchange" on f8 (giving up my dark square bishop).
17. Kc1b1 Bf8b4
18. Qd2h6 Nd5c3 {Bb4 was an excellent intermediate move prior to moving the knight. Qc1, Ba3 -+,
And after 17.Kb1 Bb4 18.Qc1, Ba3? is bad for black. White just plays cxd5 Rxb2ch, Qxb2 Bxb2, dxe6 winning.
After Kb1, black normally plays ...Nb6 according to a couple DB games.
Then Qc2 Qb7, b3 Na4, Bd3 Qb4, g4 Bg7, g5 Bf5, Nf6 Bxf8, gxf6 was ok for white.
Originally posted by RegicidalThanks for the tips.
gaining the exchange doesn't lose the game.
And after 17.Kb1 Bb4 18.Qc1, Ba3? is bad for black. White just plays cxd5 Rxb2ch, Qxb2 Bxb2, dxe6 winning.
After Kb1, black normally plays ...Nb6 according to a couple DB games.
Then Qc2 Qb7, b3 Na4, Bd3 Qb4, g4 Bg7, g5 Bf5, Nf6 Bxf8, gxf6 was ok for white.