I'm not commenting on the game as that is illegal, but I must say it speaks of beauty!
Game 5043079
Gotta love the way black lined up all of his pawns...
Originally posted by Meneer DriesThanks for letting us know it's a game in progress. The OP didn't mention that, but you'd think I'd learn to check first, anyway.
I'm not commenting on the game as that is illegal, but I must say it speaks of beauty!
Game 5043079
Gotta love the way black lined up all of his pawns...
Chess is great, you can have anything---a lot of queens, rooks, knights, bishops---It's like Alice's Restaurant!
Game 4937392
Two White Q and two Black Q at the same time.
Candidates Match
Bled/Zagreb/Belgrad - 1959 - 16th Round
1. e4 c6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Nf3 Bg4 4. h3 Bxf3 5. Qxf3 Nf6 6. d3 e6 7. g3 Bb4 8. Bd2 d4 9. Nb1 Bxd2+ 10. Nxd2 e5 11. Bg2 c5 12. 0-0 Nc6 13. Qe2 Qe7 14. f4 0-0-0 15. a3 Ne8 16. b4 cxb4 17. Nc4 f6 18. fxe5 fxe5 19. axb4 Nc7 20. Na5 Nb5 21. Nxc6 bxc6 22. Rf2 g6 23. h4 Kb7 24. h5 Qxb4 25. Rf7+ Kb6 26. Qf2 a5 27. c4 Nc3 28. Rf1 a4 29. Qf6 Qc5 30. Rxh7 Rdf8 31. Qxg6 Rxf1+ 32. Bxf1 Rxh7 33. Qxh7 a3 34. h6 a2 35. Qg8 a1=Q 36. h7 Qd6 37. h8=Q
37. ... Qa7 38. g4 Kc5 39. Qf8 Qae7 40. Qa8 Kb4 41. Qh2 Kb3 42. Qa1 Qa3 43. Qxa3+ Kxa3 44. Qh6 Qf7 45. Kg2 Kb3 46. Qd2 Qh7 47. Kg3 Qxe4 48. Qf2 Qh1 1/2-1/2
Originally posted by patauroHaha that would be a funny game. How do you set up those kinds of games?
Chess is great, you can have anything---a lot of queens, rooks, knights, bishops---It's like Alice's Restaurant!
Game 4937392
Originally posted by patauroHow do you do that? please explain.
Chess is great, you can have anything---a lot of queens, rooks, knights, bishops---It's like Alice's Restaurant!
Game 4937392
Originally posted by Meneer DriesThe game is over!
I'm not commenting on the game as that is illegal, but I must say it speaks of beauty!
Game 5043079
Gotta love the way black lined up all of his pawns...
Did white see that @ move 15 he could have captured the c-pawn with enpassant?