Superb game and congratulations on 50,000 moves.
I've just looked at every one of them, here are the stats.
25,000 ! Moves.
25,000 ? moves
A nice balance.
I recall your name from the blog, you did an unsound version of Legal's Mate.
I've dug it out. Excellent. May you stay forever young.
cdwasserman - cadwah RHP Ch 2012
There is a good player hiding inside cadwah. He just cannot recognise
when he has to STOP! and dig out the win.
Perhaps the actual calculation bores him.
He just enjoys playing as quickly as he can.
He is one of those annoying players to have in a team.
He often builds up some super positions, has rush of blood to the head and blows it.
The fact he carrries on playing chess and has not yet committed suicide is
testament to his 'chess is fun' attitude.
Me? I would have jumped in front of a train a long time ago. 🙂
Look at this.
cadwah -TUBTUB RGP Ch 2012