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A game between Porky and I for analysis

A game between Porky and I for analysis

Only Chess

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Hello, all. This is a game my opponent and I both enjoyed. During the middle game he messaged me saying it was very challenging up to this point and that - win or lose - going to analyze it a few times over. I was also very challenged through most of it, trying desperately to find tactical opportunities to no avail. I was stuck mostly trying to chip away positionally, which is quite frustrating for me.

I offered to post it on the board to get feedback because I think it would be cool with both players explaining why they made certain moves. I'm going to PM the link and hopefully he'll join in.

The game ended with resignation.

[Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2010.09.04"]
[EndDate "2010.09.11"]
[Round "?"]
[White "USArmyParatrooper"]
[Black "Porky1016"]
[WhiteRating "1636"]
[BlackRating "1555"]
[WhiteELO "1636"]
[BlackELO "1555"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "7737764"]

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To start, 6... cxd4 isn't a move I would have made.

It un-doubled my pawns and allowed me to later post my white bishop along the b1-h7 diagonal. Perhaps someone more skilled than I can come in and say if it was a technically accurate move.

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A better move at that point might have been Qb6. I was only a little familiar with the French: Advanced variation.

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Originally posted by Porky1016
A better move at that point might have been Qb6. I was only a little familiar with the French: Advanced variation.
That's actually not the advance variation. That only comes when the pawn is immediately pushed with 3. e5

I'm about 90% the one you played is the Winawer variation.

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
Hello, all. This is a game my opponent and I both enjoyed. During the middle game he messaged me saying it was very challenging up to this point and that - win or lose - going to analyze it a few times over. I was also very challenged through most of it, trying desperately to find tactical opportunities to no avail. I was stuck mostly trying to chi 5 Kc7b7 39. Nd2e4 f5 40. exf6 Rg7c7 41. c4 Kb7a6 42. Ne4d6 1-0[/pgn]
a few notes....

instead of r-fc1 ra-c1 looks more appropriate. You want to get in that c4 break with the king stuck in the center...break it open. That means you want the a rook to support the c4 push and the f rook can come to the e or d file after the exchange of pawns. The a rook can come to c7 with massive pressure against the black king(which seems to be the key to this posiition- there are opposite colored bishops present and the side with the attack in the middlegame is better. In the endgame I am sure you know they are supposed to be drawn a lot of the time).

Just some general considerations which jumped out at me.

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
That's actually not the advance variation. That only comes when the pawn is immediately pushed with 3. e5

I'm about 90% the one you played is the Winawer variation.
yup that was a winawer

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Originally posted by erikido
a few notes....

instead of r-fc1 ra-c1 looks more appropriate. You want to get in that c4 break with the king stuck in the center...break it open. That means you want the a rook to support the c4 push and the f rook can come to the e or d file after the exchange of pawns. The a rook can come to c7 with massive pressure against the black king(which seems ...[text shortened]... to be drawn a lot of the time).

Just some general considerations which jumped out at me.
Thanks! That does make a lot of sense. I'm trying to remember why I chose the f-rook, and I think it was because I wanted to keep protection on the isolated pawn.

But perhaps supporting an assault on the king up the middle is a better priority for a major piece.

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
Thanks! That does make a lot of sense. I'm trying to remember why I chose the f-rook, and I think it was because I wanted to keep protection on the isolated pawn.

But perhaps supporting an assault on the king up the middle is a better priority for a major piece.
yes, and keep in mind a weakness is only weak if it can be attacked. The only way for black to attack it is to bring the knight to c5. But you still have the n-d2 idea and the exchange still seems to give u some long term pressure with the strong center and open files. It might be a "=" game but if that was the case it is dynamically equal and the better player wins which I personally think is the best way to go

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