Originally posted by 7ate9I'm aware, you asked why Homer said a 1200 should have won, and I found a poor looking move on move 2. If you say explain I figure you want somebody to, otherwise STFU.
I don't play book openings, and is NOT the thread meaning. (please read the title).
BTW it's generally referred to as a knight on the 6th. And since you've been suck a c**k with your replies I'll let you figure for yourself why you lost.
a friend of mine programmed computers to work out the best square for pieces to get to and survive on ... in a general statistical kind of way .... of all the pieces and all the squares: a knight wants to get to survive on king-bishop-6 square the most (often being involved in mating attacks of course). Pawns on 6 or seven are also quite strong.
of course getting a knight to king-6 as you have done here is also very strong.