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A lesson learned in the Albin

A lesson learned in the Albin

Only Chess

The drunk knight

Stuck on g1

02 Sep 12
09 Aug 16
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Any Albin counter-gambit fans here?

I've played this quite a bit, much prefer this approach vs. d4 rather than any Kings Indian or Benoni stuff for example.

Don't often share my losses here, but the below game was one that was bubbling quite nicely
but then it was like I accidentally knocked something over and it fell into the broth 🙁

I'm pretty lousy at cooking anyway, so maybe next time I should just focus on the chess.

I play Black (obviously, ya twerp)

The Bishop should have stayed home!



18 Apr 10
10 Aug 16
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Think I might have carried on a bit Zak.That passer looks pretty good

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
11 Aug 16
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Originally posted by 64squaresofpain
Any Albin counter-gambit fans here?

I've played this quite a bit, much prefer this approach vs. d4 rather than any Kings Indian or Benoni stuff for example.

Don't often share my losses here, but the below game was one that was bubbling quite nicely
but then it was like I accidentally knocked something over and it fell into the broth 🙁

I'm ...[text shortened]... 3. exd6 Qe7xd6 24. Qd3f5 Kc8b8 25. Ba3xc5 {1-0} 1-0[/pgn]

The Bishop should have stayed home!
I think 18. ... Nc2 might just be worth it in case of 19. Qxc2, but 19. ... Nxa3 is definitely a mistake because you can't ever get the knight off that square again and it's just going to drop off the board, you have to return the knight to e4 so 19. ... Ne4 is probably the best move there. It was fine on e4, as after 19. Rxe4 dxe4+ you're an exchange up, your pawn's looking pretty secure and you've got threats along the d-file. Trying to take the pawn with the bishop doesn't look like it works well for him and moving one of his minor pieces so he can take on e4 leaves you with the outpost for longer and although he doesn't lose the exchange still leaves him with problems along the d-file. So I'd point to moving the knight off e4 as the dubious move.

The drunk knight

Stuck on g1

02 Sep 12
11 Aug 16
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Ah but my intention was then Nb4 with tempo as it hits the Queen,
then once she moves then that "trapped" Knight would go back to c2 and they would nicely support each other in enemy territory.

See annotation on move 20...Re8. I wasn't able to play Nb4 immediately purely as my Queen was undefended,
I missed that Bxa3 pins to an unprotected Queen. For this reason, the timing of Nxa3 was off,
and if I'd have realised this then yes he would have stayed strong on e3.

However I did a post-mortem through Fritz, and this was still ok (albeit not best).
The only real baddie was 22...Bc5 as this dropped the evaluation way back to over +3 in favour or white,
whereas 22...Nb4 instead would have made the score still equal (well, 0.42 I think it was).

I missed a tactic end of the day, guess this is hardly uncommon 😵

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