Originally posted by stackshusarid4 g3 thats two starting moves for White and none for black...
1. d-4 g-3 now who would move 2. c-4 or e-4. just wondering.
I guess if Black couldnt move I'd move my Queen and Knight in for a Simple mate?? Almost like your Enemy is just saying Mate me already... This depends on where Black moved but I guess I'd move neither probably move Nc3 but im very confused by the question.
Originally posted by wolfgang59You may be playing someone who likes the King's Indian but doesn't like all those other things that white can chuck out instead of 2. c4. You might end giving a psychological edge to your opponent!
Anyone playing 1 ... g6 probably plays it against 1. e4 as well as 1. e4 and would therefore be comfortable with 2. e4
I'd play 2. c4 looking for the smallest psychological edge!