jonbarry (1609) vs Ramned (1656)
Internet Chess Club; 60 minutes +60 seconds / move.
I thought 6...f5 was a screw-up, but after looking in hindsight it was a good means to blockade his bishop.
From there I had a bit of trouble formulating a good plan of attack so I simply tried to coordinate my pieces in order to pressure his pawn chain so I could jump my knight to a better square (i.e. e5 - d3)
Originally posted by RomanticusOh how do you do that? That'd be awesome lol.
Cool.Deleted mine,no need to have the game twice.
You know,when you play a game on ICC you can get the pgn emailed to you.Much easier than typing out the pgn yourself.Just a tip 🙂
Btw,what was the result?Did white resign?
Result was 0-1 he resigned...bit prematurely I think, but his bishop was also bad so it was probably a matter of time.
Originally posted by RamnedI don't play there anymore but as I remember it you bring up your history(or library) rightclick on a game in the list and chose mailme/storemail/mailstore/mailpgn or something similar,don't recall exactly.Something with 'mail' in it LOL
Oh how do you do that? That'd be awesome lol.
Result was 0-1 he resigned...bit prematurely I think, but his bishop was also bad so it was probably a matter of time.
Originally posted by BlacksonI think it would be a decisive error.Look at the position.All of a sudden white has a very strong queenside attack with Nd5 threatening in combination with pushing the Q-side pawns I don't see how black can defend.Think he will colapse pretty soon.
ah I see, I actually considered the potential discovered threat except I didn't see the inbetween move Nxf6+. and I assume that would to be to whites advantage if black were to persue that line because both of whites bishops and rook become more active and get a bit more 'breathing' room.