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anyone feel like anaylysing this game?

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I'm still a bit worried playing against the Sicilian Defence so if anyone could point out any good moves that i played in this game, or better moves i could've played, it would be appreciated.
once again, i'm not great at using modernday technology or this pgn viewer thing

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Originally posted by banx99
I'm still a bit worried playing against the Sicilian Defence so if anyone could point out any good moves that i played in this game, or better moves i could've played, it would be appreciated.
once again, i'm not great at using modernday technology or this pgn viewer thing

[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2008.06.23"] 48. c8=Q f4 49. Qc8xa6 Kg5g4 50. Qa6xg6 Kg4h4 51. Rd3d1 1-0
I found out when you play against Sicilian Dragon, not many -1600 players know exactly what they are doing as black. I have very good score against it. Usually I castle queenside and start a pawn push, then I put both of my rooks behind pawns and go for a quick kill on the kingside.

There are way better players than me here who can help you. But I think you spend too much time in the center. I would go with agressive flank attack. This is very agressive opening. Sometimes you give up some material and attack like mad his kingside. and it can turn good if you know what you are doing.

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Originally posted by banx99
I'm still a bit worried playing against the Sicilian Defence so if anyone could point out any good moves that i played in this game, or better moves i could've played, it would be appreciated.
once again, i'm not great at using modernday technology or this pgn viewer thing

[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2008.06.23"] ...[text shortened]... 48. c8=Q f4 49. Qc8xa6 Kg5g4 50. Qa6xg6 Kg4h4 51. Rd3d1 1-0
well, for one, it was a bit pointless to push those kingside pawns after you already traded pieces off. even if you could break the black castle, which you can't, you don't have the pieces to follow the pawns anymore. so you're just wasting precious moves. - but without the trades it would've been pretty much the standard thing to do.

of course black did equally pointless moves at the same time, which couldn't possibly have ended up as any kind of threat, so you had all the time in the world.

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20. Rhd1

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Originally posted by banx99
I'm still a bit worried playing against the Sicilian Defence so if anyone could point out any good moves that i played in this game, or better moves i could've played, it would be appreciated.
once again, i'm not great at using modernday technology or this pgn viewer thing

[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2008.06.23"] ...[text shortened]... 48. c8=Q f4 49. Qc8xa6 Kg5g4 50. Qa6xg6 Kg4h4 51. Rd3d1 1-0
Regarding the dragon (and most kingside fianchetto systems for black) the dark square bishop is his strongest piece. Ergo the point of Qd2 Be3 is usually to play Bh6 and force the exchange of dark square bishops (alternatevly when e5 hasn't been played you can play Bd4 with a similar idea. This also happens to set up the typical Yougoslav attack whereby you sac a pawn on h5 to allow your queen and h1 rook to gang up on h6.

sac, sac, mate! 🙄

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1.Rh1 # check mate!!!

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You just had to post that, didn't you? 😛

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Originally posted by wormwood
well, for one, it was a bit pointless to push those kingside pawns after you already traded pieces off. even if you could break the black castle, which you can't, you don't have the pieces to follow the pawns anymore. so you're just wasting precious moves. - but without the trades it would've been pretty much the standard thing to do.

of course black did ...[text shortened]... ouldn't possibly have ended up as any kind of threat, so you had all the time in the world.
this is a very important point that wormwood makes, if you feel that you have the better endgame then by all means trade your pieces down, however if you are going for an attack on the king, try and keep your pieces on the board as you will need them if you are to break through to kings defenses - 😀

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