I like the slim two-volume set called Basic Chess Openings by Gabor Kallai. Not only gives the reasons behind the moves, it also shows those little traps players are prone to fall into. Cadogam is the publisher. You can pick them up in the bookstore or on the web. I don't recommend books with move lists unless you're really advanced.
Originally posted by skeeterI have to second this. The mco 14 is a dry read, but it is by far one helpful book.
MCO Edition 14. Best of the best available. ISBN 0-8129-3084-3 .
When I started playing here I was still using my otb blitz style and that worked ok as I started around 1200 but as I got into the 1500's I noticed that everyone else had a suprior knowledge of openings that I lacked. This book has helped me to achieve what I think is the next level in my playing ability.