Originally posted by badivan1check out how much fun the main line can be:Game 3987848
Which variation would you choose against the Caro-Kann (1.e4 c6) and why?
I think Rc8 was the troublestarter.
Originally posted by badivan1The main line is the best chance you can have against the Caro-Kann, although even then you must realize how solid this opening is. As black you really hope people play the Panov attack or the advance as its rather easy to equalize or get a better game from the opening. It's hard to find opening books to play against the Caro, well let me change that by saying good books, because most like 'Beating the Caro-Kann' don't even have the recommended lines for black in it. Even chess openings for white explained forgets to put in the best lines for black. I would say play the exchange or the main line, as they can be the most annoying for black.
Which variation would you choose against the Caro-Kann (1.e4 c6) and why?
Originally posted by kmac27I only meet the CK about -5% of the time.
e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxd5 c4. I believe this is the panov attack. It opens it up and makes the game more fun. if he plays Bb4 to pin the knight if he takes your knight your isolated d pawn is then protected with a c pawn and your center looks good.
At the risk of being rudely berated by a 1700+ who couldn't play for toffee last month 😉 I always instinctively play:
Originally posted by Squelchbelchand after 4...Bf5 black have no problems.
I only meet the CK about -5% of the time.
At the risk of being rudely berated by a 1700+ who couldn't play for toffee last month 😉 I always instinctively play:
[fen]rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/8/3p4/3P4/5N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 0 4[/fen][/b]
If you dont want to play 4.c4 then I can advice 4.Bd3.