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Average Age of Chess Club

Average Age of Chess Club

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I started playing at a chess club, but I notice that there are only a handful of people my age. While there are a few young kids, some teenagers or young people in their twenties, most people are clearly over 40. I would say that the average age is about 40-50. Is this common? What is the age distribution of your chess club? What about chess players in general?

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Originally posted by exigentsky
I started playing at a chess club, but I notice that there are only a handful of people my age. While there are a few young kids, some teenagers or young people in their twenties, most people are clearly over 40. I would say that the average age is about 40-50. Is this common? What is the age distribution of your chess club? What about chess players in general?
My club has a similar age distribution to yours. We might get a slightly higher attendance of young kids at the club tournaments compared to just normal skittles club days, but in general, my club is mostly older adults.

But don't let that bother you. Lots of people don't even have a chess club in their town, so consider yourself lucky. And the members in my club will gladly play anyone, kids, adults, it doesn't matter.

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Originally posted by exigentsky
I started playing at a chess club, but I notice that there are only a handful of people my age. While there are a few young kids, some teenagers or young people in their twenties, most people are clearly over 40. I would say that the average age is about 40-50. Is this common? What is the age distribution of your chess club? What about chess players in general?
The club I visit now and then have an average of about 50. Most comment that they left chess while kids were growing up and got back into it afterwards.

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Our club average, I would guess, is about mid-late 30s. www.westportchessclub.org We have kids, highschoolers, and quite a few college students.

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I might meet you over the board someday Sicilian Smaug. I play for west london chess club.

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Chess Player Demographics: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=752764 This is interesting. It seems my club is not too far from average. Although, there is another really good club, the Mechanics Institute that has many more young people.

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Originally posted by exigentsky
Chess Player Demographics: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=752764 This is interesting. It seems my club is not too far from average. Although, there is another really good club, the Mechanics Institute that has many more young people.
I've heard of the Mechanics Institute. Great reputation and a number of big names.

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Yep. I also got a match this wensday as well.

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I won with black as well. I've read somewhere with people under 160 having white or black doesnt make much diffrence to the result. They are just as likely to win with black or white.

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50 members,6 kids (-15),rest are 40+

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My club has 3 people over 40 who come. Only about 10-15 regular members now (school club, so people naturally move on after 18). We only have 3 people over 14 to come so far this year, myself being one of them.

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