25 Oct 17
"There's also greenpawn's "check all checks!", and making sure none of your pieces are hanging...."
Here v Tomroy in August this year with me as Black.
I played 59....Qd6+ and White simply took my Queen.
My move was part of a 4 move conditional sequence I sent
for some reason I simply missed the Queen was hanging.
This is me (Black and to move) v tombeatenbaugh from a few days ago,
I quickly played 30...Rh5+ (missing 30...Ng4+ winning the Queen.)
This was just moving far too quickly which can be proved because of the time
dating stamp RHP has. My opponent and I were blitzing out our moves, always
a dodgy thing to, there was no need, I had about 6 days left to make a move!
The game log indicates White played from the above diagram
the move 30. Kh3-h2 on the 21st Oct at 17:02 and 11 seconds.
I replied on the 21st Oct 17:02 and 14 seconds It was not a
conditional move, they always show a one second delay.
"Check all Check!"
26 Oct 17
Originally posted by @john-osmarOh yes!
Most of my blunders come from making an attacking move, but not checking the damage it does to my defense.
I have started asking myself questions like, 'If I attack here, does that allow my opponent's Queen to get active?' and 'Does my opponent have a counter-punch to my attack?'
I try to avoid the 'wishing and hoping' attack where success depends totally on the other person not seeing the correct reply.