Game 3110078
I've known how to play chess since I was very young, but never "got into it". Having played a lot of other games I've finally had a draw to it and started reading around the internet about theory and such. This is my first game in years and I've got a few others going here. I actually lost quite quickly, but would like some critiques, any at all.
Please remember I'm new, so telling me that I did everything wrong without any explanation won't help a bit.
I believe you were doing quite well untill 9...g5? Much better would be 9...0-0, protecting your king and bringing your rook into the center. Here you would have a much better game as you pieces are developed for the most part, your king is safe, and your opponents position is an undeveloped mess with an exposed king and poor pawn structure.
ok....I had a quick look through this...
here are a few pointers....
9. g5
first off, this move doesn't help you much (in the opening, develop pieces)
secoundly, this move is weakening -- it exposes the king slightly.
better was 0-0.
12. Nd3+
terrible! -- it just loses a piece.
better is Qe7
13. h6
even worse than Nd3+ -- it leads to mate.
better is Qe7
I think that it's better to give you advice on general improving of your playing than comments of your moves in a this single game. I throughly reccomend that you learn the basic opening principles, tactics, strategy, endgame, mating patterns...
You could learn by interactive course (I think that the Waitzkin's tutorials in the Chessmaster 10th edition would be fantastic for you, they are fun, very instructive and easy to understand). You have to put sistematically some basic elements from which this game is made.
I wish you luck!!
Originally posted by TideriusThere are a few basics to contend with here.
Game 3110078
I've known how to play chess since I was very young, but never "got into it". Having played a lot of other games I've finally had a draw to it and started reading around the internet about theory and such. This is my first game in years and I've got a few others going here. I actually lost quite quickly, but would like some critique lling me that I did everything wrong without any explanation won't help a bit.
In sequence do the following
1. Control the centre with pawns;
2. Develop minor pieces (Knights and Bishops);
3. Castle;
4. Rooks to centre or open file (say c or f after pushing those pawns).
Don't develop queen too early;
Don't move a piece twice until fully developed.
There are exceptions of course to every rule and you may need to react to your opponents threats. What jumped out at me most here was you made 5 Knight moves in the first 7 moves only to lose that Knight for an inactive undeveloped Bishop. That was pointless.
Of course 6. ... Nb5+ was a powerful move giving an easy win for black.
learn the basics. the most basic strategy, opening principles and endgame basics. then start studying tactics and expand your endgame knowledge.
what comes to the game, it is pretty typical between two weak novices; white misplays the opening giving black an easy win but black blunders and soon after gets mated.