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Benko Gambit

Benko Gambit

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I've been looking for books on the Benko Gambit, since I generally use this against 1.d4 in standard time control/blitz games (I sometimes use the semi-slav CC when I have book since I don't really know the lines) and came across a couple on amazon.com. When I searched recently I saw Play the Benko Gambit is coming next August (by Andrew Martin), and I'm considering buying this, but until then does anyone have suggestions on books to get about this opening?

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Benko Gambit (1. d4, Nf6; 2. c4, c5; 3. d5, b5). A modern gambit which white generally finds safer to decline.

Slav Defense (1. d4, d5; 2. c4, c6), also the Semi-Slav (1. d4, d5; 2. c4, c6; 3. Nc3, e6). A resourceful and interesting defence to the queen's gambit. The Meran system (which either side can avoid) is an exciting variant of the semi-slav offering equal chances.

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I like The Gambit Guide to the Benko Gambit by Steffen Pedersen. It is very good and complete. The only thing wich I do not like is that it is packed with variations, although every chapter begins with a typical plans for each side. For the serious student only.

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
When I searched recently I saw Play the Benko Gambit is coming next August (by Andrew Martin), and I'm considering buying this, but until then does anyone have suggestions on books to get about this opening?
Martin has also made a vid on the benko not sure how good it is, I've downloaded so many of the chess vids I hardly get time to watch themπŸ˜€

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I think the most recent book is the one by Jan Pinski from Quality Chess. I have it, I like it. πŸ˜€

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
I think the most recent book is the one by Jan Pinski from Quality Chess. I have it, I like it. πŸ˜€
Ah, I didn't know you played the Benko. Yeah, this is the newest one I can find on amazon (excluding the one by Martin due next year). I've considered getting it, but it seems short.

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