Only Chess
19 Mar 07
Originally posted by ivan2908First off, they start similarily, but the Benoni and Benko are totally different openings.
I would like to get opinion from experienced players. What is your plan as white in Benoni defense, Benko gambit. Do you accept it? I hate that defense in queen pawn opening. Can you post me some of your games
That said, I play the benko as black primarily with the recomendation made in Jan Pinski's book on the gambit.
My games are here
Originally posted by zebanoThe Benko gambit is played from the Benoni and I think that what he's asking about. White should usually accept the gambit but I guess it could be ok to decline from the few games that I've seen.
[b]First off, they start similarily, but the Benoni and Benko are totally different openings.
Originally posted by 93confirmedDoes bolding your entire post make you feel more manly??
The Benko gambit is played from the Benoni and I think that what he's asking about. White should usually accept the gambit but I guess it could be ok to decline from the few games that I've seen.
Anyway, even if white declines the sacrifice, the resulting position has very little in common with the Benoni.
Edit: I have run into many declinations lately, especially 4. Nf3 and 4. Nc3. They are very interesting games and white can still gain a small edge in most cases.
Originally posted by zebanoDon't get your panties in a bunch...I didn't bold the reply on purpose.
Does bolding your entire post make you feel more manly??
Anyway, even if white declines the sacrifice, the resulting position has very little in common with the Benoni.
Edit: I have run into many declinations lately, especially 4. Nf3 and 4. Nc3. They are very interesting games and white can still gain a small edge in most cases.
Originally posted by ivan2908It may depend on whether it's an OTB game or RHP. In an OTB game I'd probably decline the Benko with Nf3. On RHP, the aid of databases and more time to think may tempt me to invite more sharper play.
What is your plan as white in Benoni defense, Benko gambit. Do you accept it?
For the Modern Benoni, I don't avoid an early Nf3 from White, so the Bb5+ Taimanov lines aren't part of my play. I try to play more positionally with the typical ideas such as Nf3-d2-c4; try to restrict Black's queenside expansion with a4; and look to expand in the centre with e4-e5/f4-f5. These details are admittedly too general but I don't have any games to hand (none played on here), sorry.
Originally posted by ivan2908There is a bit written on Wikipedia so give it a read.
I would like to get opinion from experienced players. What is your plan as white in Benoni defense, Benko gambit. Do you accept it? I hate that defense in queen pawn opening. Can you post me some of your games
Originally posted by ivan2908That is the Beno or Volga Gambit. I love playing it as I easily obtain active play. That said, you must play actively and quickly as black or lose. Jeremy Silman in particular does not like it, but I find it is an excellent weapon at my level. At the GM level the Epishen variation (11. Rb1) currently gives a large edge to white. Jan Pinski recommends that the rook is poorly placed there as demonstrated by returning the light square bishop to it's home square via Bc1!?
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5
That is the opening I am interested in. According to databases is quite succesful for black..
Game 1885055