Originally posted by Bane RobikI've had good results with the Benko Gambit in blitz chess. I've never played it in a tournament. Two-time (at least) U. S. Champion Lev Alburt played it regularly, and with success.
What's everyones opinion on the Benko Gambit? Do you think Black gets compensation for the pawn? I've done a bit of analysis but I wanted to get others opinions.
In many lines, Black gets lots of pressure against White's Queenside. GM Andrew Soltis once noted that it's possible for Black to enter an endgame a pawn down and still have the better chances to win the game!
Unfotunately, there are some relatively dull lines that White can force by declining the gambit.
Game 3805618 the only drawback of the Benko Gambit is that if white accepts the gambit, they have the passed "a" pawn, which is what happened in this game.
Originally posted by yofidawgNo it wasn't after Nxe4 White has an advantage, black is giving up 2 pieces for a rook and pawn not the best trade in that position, the move played in the game was much better.The opening was handled weirdly by black though I didn't like the plan of trading the c3 knight probably castling was better then 11.Nb6
After 19...Nxe4!+ the discovered attack on the rook was winning for black.
You won't get two grandmasters to agree on this opening. The plan of queenside pressure and messing up white's castling is interesting, and some GM's will say that this gives black good counter-chances; while other grandmasters will say: "Black's a pawn down, so what?" I think that as far as you are concerned it's worth trying out in something like 10 or 20 reasonably serious games, if you find you are getting good play with it then stick with it, otherwise don't. I know this is obvious advice, but it's too easy to get hung up on theoretical assessments.
Originally posted by omulcusobolaniI disagree, in this position two minors for a rook and a pawn are fine after black castles because then with two rooks he can contest the a pawn, unlike what happened in the game
No it wasn't after Nxe4 White has an advantage, black is giving up 2 pieces for a rook and pawn not the best trade in that position, the move played in the game was much better.
Originally posted by yofidawgThe game was lost later then move 19, black's position was fine after his 19th move he could probably hold a draw, if black had played 19..Nxe4 he would have thrown away all his chances to hold the game, if you want we can play a set position game from that position with you playing 19..Nxe4 to see that you would lose.
I disagree, in this position two minors for a rook and a pawn are fine after black castles because then with two rooks he can contest the a pawn, unlike what happened in the game