Not my game, but an inspirational example, nonetheless. Interestingly, after winning the queen (for a piece and a pawn, but not much else) in move 11, the White player did nothing else but defended for the remainder of the game.
[Event "Banded Hardcore Grand"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2010.08.02"]
[EndDate "2010.08.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "AlexSepahpour"]
[Black "Carmine12"]
[WhiteRating "1630"]
[BlackRating "1529"]
[WhiteElo "1630"]
[BlackElo "1529"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "7644163"]
1. e4 e5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Bf1c4 Ng8f6 4. d3 Bf8c5 5. h3 O-O 6. O-O d6 7. Bc1g5 h6 8. Bg5h4 a6 9. c3 b5 10. Bc4d5 Nf6xd5 11. Bh4xd8 Nd5e3 12. fxe3 Bc5xe3 13. Kg1h1 Rf8xd8 14. Nb1d2 Bc8e6 15. Qd1e2 Be3a7 16. b4 d5 17. exd5 Rd8xd5 18. Nd2e4 Ra8d8 19. Rf1d1 a5 20. bxa5 b4 21. c4 Rd5xa5 22. Ra1b1 Ba7b6 23. Rb1b2 Rd8a8 24. Rd1b1 Ra5a3 25. Ne4f2 f6 26. Nf2d1 Be6f5 27. Rb2d2 Ra8d8 28. Rb1b3 Ra3xb3 29. axb3 Nc6a5 30. g4 Bf5g6 31. d4 Na5xb3 32. Rd2b2 Nb3c1 33. Qe2d2 Bg6e4 34. Kh1g2 Rd8xd4 35. Qd2xc1 Rd4d3 36. Nd1f2 Be4xf3 37. Kg2f1 Rd3c3 38. Qc1e1 Bb6e3 39. Nf2d1 Bf3xd1 40. Qe1xd1 Rc3c1 41. Qd1xc1 Be3xc1 42. Rb2xb4 Bc1f4 43. c5 g6 44. Kf1e2 f5 45. Ke2f3 Bf4g5 46. gxf5 gxf5 47. h4 e4 48. Kf3g3 Bg5e3 49. Rb4c4 Kg8f7 50. c6 Kf7e6 51. Kg3g2 Ke6d5 52. Rc4c2 f4 53. Kg2f1 f3 54. Rc2c3 Be3d4 55. Rc3c2 e3 56. Kf1e1 Kd5e4 57. Rc2c1 e2 58. Rc1c2 Ke4e3 0-1