This game is the best game I've ever played on this site. I found a long queen and rook sacrifice that would lead to mate.
Game 1494726
If he takes my rook then I take with my queen so he has to block with his knight which I take which gives me great attacking position.
Any comments?
I know the player's rated about 1300 but I've never sac'ed like that against anyone so I'm happy 🙂.
Originally posted by GalaxyShieldWow, thanks for posting that. That was a real joy to play through. I can only wonder if your opponent could see it coming as you began saccing your pieces, or if he thought, "This guy has just lost his mind."
Thanks 🙂. I knew the sac was going to at least get me up quite a bit of material but wasn't sure about getting mate. Glad I found it, just made the game complete 😛.
Originally posted by Natural ScienceLol, perhaps a little of both. But my opponent in that game had played me before so I'm thinking he knew something big was coming. I don't really know though. And you're welcome 🙂, glad someone else got some enjoyment from that game 🙂.
Wow, thanks for posting that. That was a real joy to play through. I can only wonder if your opponent could see it coming as you began saccing your pieces, or if he thought, "This guy has just lost his mind."