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Best loss - Where did I go wrong?

Best loss - Where did I go wrong?

Only Chess

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I invested a lot of intellectual and emotional capital in this game. It was against a much stronger opponent. I made two moves that I really like (12 and 17) but, obviously, after gaining a two pawn advantage with a strong attack on his exposed king, I blew it.

So, where did I go wrong?

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Originally posted by ParShooter
I invested a lot of intellectual and emotional capital in this game. It was against a much stronger opponent. I made two moves that I really like (12 and 17) but, obviously, after gaining a two pawn advantage with a strong attack on his exposed king, I blew it.

So, where did I go wrong?

If the interactive game board below fails, please help me post it correctly. I put the game number inside the FEN delimiters.

Nope, it did not work. Here's the game #: 6674710. Help!

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Originally posted by ParShooter
Nope, it did not work. Here's the game #: 6674710. Help!
Game 6674710

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not quick enough

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Nor me!

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Ah me neither! Obviously I'm not experienced enough to comment on your game but I want to know if your 5th move is a book move. It blocks the bishop it seems.

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Originally posted by ParShooter
I invested a lot of intellectual and emotional capital in this game. It was against a much stronger opponent. I made two moves that I really like (12 and 17) but, obviously, after gaining a two pawn advantage with a strong attack on his exposed king, I blew it.

So, where did I go wrong?
A few thoughts...

I don't think the 12w Bh6 was sound. You gave it practically away for free. Good for you he didn't notice.

Your attack on the g7-pawn was doomed. You put far to much energy on that one.

From the move 26 your g3-pawn was attackable. You shoud do pass his pawn by 26w g4. You didn't, that killed you finally.

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I don`t recommend thy seventh move.
I think 7.Ng3 and 7.Ng5 are both better i predict.
Perhaps 26.Re6 isn`t good.
Maybe 26.g4 would be better.
In fact possibly 26.Re6 might be the losing move.

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Originally posted by Goshen
Ah me neither! Obviously I'm not experienced enough to comment on your game but I want to know if your 5th move is a book move. It blocks the bishop it seems.
The 5th move is a trick. If black does not make the right move, 6: Nd6 is mate. But black did not fall for the trick.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
A few thoughts...

I don't think the 12w Bh6 was sound. You gave it practically away for free. Good for you he didn't notice.

Your attack on the g7-pawn was doomed. You put far to much energy on that one.

From the move 26 your g3-pawn was attackable. You shoud do pass his pawn by 26w g4. You didn't, that killed you finally.
Thanks for the comments.

I thought 12w Bh6 was sound and I am certain my highly-rated opponent agreed with me because he failed to accept the sacrifice offer. If he had, I re-take with my queen and then I have a big attach on h7 with the queen, the white bishop and the knight from g5.

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Originally posted by National Master Dale
I don`t recommend thy seventh move.
I think 7.Ng3 and 7.Ng5 are both better i predict.
Perhaps 26.Re6 isn`t good.
Maybe 26.g4 would be better.
In fact possibly 26.Re6 might be the losing move.
I think you are right. My thought about 26.Re6 was to tempt him into taking the other rook on a1, then move my surviving rook to h6 and launch the final assault on h7. But I failed to see 16.. fxg3 and the threat of the following knight fork on f4.

Yes, 26. g4 is much better. I should have played that.

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12. .... f5? 20. .... Bf5? 26. Re6?? 27. Qh6? 28. K.f2 Black has a forced mating situation.

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I'm at a loss to explain Black's 20th. 20...Bg4 seems much better.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
I'm at a loss to explain Black's 20th. 20...Bg4 seems much better.
I would have played 21. Ne5 in response.

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