As you saw with my colle zukertort thread, I am looking to find an offbeat repetoir as white that pushes the d or e pawn up two on the first move without lots of theory. I have this book called "Attacking with e4" by John Emms. It recommends the bishops opening against
e4 e5
I was wondering what your thoughts are on this, if you play it or have played against it. I was thinking also about the KG with...
e4 e5
f4 ef
Bc4... Seems like there is to much for me to learn with playing Nf3
I am trying to figure of the three, colle zukertort being the third, which fits my style.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Originally posted by RabbitColdNo it's not dull at all. Black has a few options against it. My prefered is to play
Thats great to know, because I will be mainly using it in OTB tournaments. I was just hoping it wasnt so dull that it gets to a boring endgame a lot of games. Even though most openings have a dull line here or there.
3... Nf6 when play often continues (based on many blitz games)
4. Nf3 Nxe4
Which I like as black but much like the scotch gambit, is probably better for black but thats very hard to prove over the board due to the extreme tactical/open nature of the position.
Originally posted by RabbitColdNone other than Bobby Fischer himself frequently played the KIA against the French. At one point in his career he had a run of bad luck on the White side of the Winewar (1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 Bb4).
Yeah, I think Im going to hang the london and play the Bishops opening now. The closed scilian and Kia against French.
I have been having a rough time cracking the French.