Originally posted by @ogbHaha, well the thing with blundering a piece is that it costs a tempi to capture the hanging piece. Alll sacrifices are based on this concept. Take advantage of the loss of time. The above game doesn't really classify for that, there is probably close to zero compensation for the Queen. But knights are tricky! Two well placed knights can be considered compensation. Black obviously could have played better..
never admit to a blunder..it's always a deeply laid sacrifice..
Originally posted by @johnnybikeI felt that that would make whites life easier. He gives up material but gets rid of my pesky knight on d6. That knight is worth more than a rook. It would be considerably easier for white to play with this knight off the board. In the end i still won the exchange but maintained a knight of d6 as well.
I am surprised that you did not play 25. N*f7. Wins a pawn and room for a night.
Not that I am an expert
Originally posted by @marinkatombIt looks like your opponent blundered back with 37....cxb5, should have gotten his queen out of harm's way. I admire your fighting spirit, I would likely have just resigned.
Just played a funny game where I blundered my Queen in the opening but managed to still win. Thought it would be fun to have a thread about this topic. It's something that happens to everyone sooner or later i guess. Have you guys got any games? 🙂
[pgn][Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2018.03.23"]
[White "marinkatomb"]
[Black "Yris ...[text shortened]... 58.Rf6 Ka5 59.Rg3 b5 60.Rg7 Rh8 61.h7 Kb4 62.Rh6 Ka3 63.Rg8 Rxh7 64.Rxh7 Kxa2 65.Rb7 1-0[/pgn]
im not sure if i ever won a game after losing my q 1st, but i have been beaten several times via the reverse! 1 of the gr8t cardinal sins in chess is relaxing too soon.
Not to hijack the thread, but i searched & didnt come up w/ it ... What do you 12-1400 level players think about deploying the q early ? i've made some gr8t wins that way, but have lost my sweet lady more times than i care to count !
Heres an exciting recent game i managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory ... despite having 2 fricking ladys on my side! haha but thats why we love it : }
My consolation is the gent is 400 pts above me : }