Game 871409Game 919821
Any suggestions as to how I can prevent such stupid, stupid blunders like I just did in the games above? Besides more concentration? (I only have 12 or so games on the go, so game overload isn't the answer).
study tactics...and look think about what u're opponents threat is... in both of thoe games u have king safety problems,backrank problems....
in one of those games u didn't luft for u're king by moving the h pawn... but i read this in chess books....
if u're making space for u're king, make in on the opposite color of the opponents bishop.. thefore u should have moved g3 so your opponents bishop does not control the escape square.
Originally posted by BowmannNo. At one point I had thirty games on the go (thank you 2005 Championship!) and I had to drag out all the games over two months in order to analyse them properly and not do anything stupid. Managed to do fairly well against much higher-rated opponents. My max amount of games that I can handle is 20, and I'm well below that. I wasn't even pressured in the games I've listed.
Isn't it? Try playing fewer games.
Originally posted by RahimKYou can study tactics all you want to the point of exhaustion, but it doesn't counter lapses of concentration I had with these games. Had I seen these moves, I'd have countered them. In both games, I basically handed these games to my opponents on a silver plate with no time pressure. I was aware of the risks.
study tactics...and look think about what u're opponents threat is... in both of thoe games u have king safety problems,backrank problems....
in one of those games u didn't luft for u're king by moving the h pawn... but i read this in chess books....
if u're making space for u're king, make in on the opposite color of the opponents bishop.. thefore u should have moved g3 so your opponents bishop does not control the escape square.
So I wonder whet people do to avoid blunders. Taking a day before making a move? Analyze it to death with the analysis board? Don't play chess when you have too many things on the go offline? I'm interested in responses.
In my experiences here so far most all of my blunders came from playing while at work, trying to sneak a few moves in when no one is looking. It was a bad idea. The other problem I have is being distracted by family and having a conversation with someone while submitting a move. I had a nice combo figured out in one game and was talking to wife at same time. After I submitted the move I realized I went in with the wrong rook first and gave my opponent the game.
Only submitt your move when you are not tired, distracted, or in a hurry.
Oh and never play in semi real time when the other opponent is active at the same time you are.
Hope this helps.
You want to see a stupid blunder!
Game 994141
the last move where I gave my queen away for nothing
I'm getting really frustrated because I'm making stupid stupid moves.. most of the game I check all over the place.. then I'll go and try to get a few games in before I have to do something and blow it.. In this tournament (the alpha 1/11) I'm only going to win maybe 3 games.. and I was the second ranked player in my group of 6.. I should be winning against people 300 points below me, but due to stupid mistakes I throw the game away..
sorry.. had to vent.. its beyond annoying now.. I know its nobody elses fault except mine, but.. that just makes me more mad..
Originally posted by DOlivier2004I have a simple technique that saves me from a lot of blunders (but sadly not all).
Game 871409Game 919821
Any suggestions as to how I can prevent such stupid, stupid blunders like I just did in the games above? Besides more concentration? (I only have 12 or so games on the go, so game overload isn't the answer).
1. ALWAYS use the Analyze Board-feature.
2. Make your intended move, and then look at ALL the possible moves both you and your opponent can make, even those you would never think of.
3. If you have more than one game waiting, look at all your games before making a move, that way you can relook at your first games with fresh eyes, so to speak.
These three steps has not only cut down on my blunders but has also enabled me to make moves that I didn't think of in the first place.
Studying tactics help u see things which u don't see before and see things quicker... both of those backrank mates are tactics... Say you have a rook defending a bishop and watching the backrank... and your opponent captures u're bishop. u can't take back because if u do u get checkmated..thats a tactic...
Anyways after studying tactics... over 3500 puzzle so far... when i'm done i'll be at 7000... 60+ hours so far... i can see mate in 5 while before i could only see mate in 2 at the most.. And i also see other moves which i would never have seen, and seeing the opponents threats is also easier now... so basically i'm still going with tactics..
and for the other person...its just the way i am.. i can't change, take me the way i am... sound it out...
u're = your and u = you... it even sounds like it and i have a habit of writing ......
Anyways i wrote that thing incorrectly..... u made space for u're king by moving the h pawn but u should have moved the g pawn because his bishop does not control the escape square...
Originally posted by MIODudeI also just gave away my queen in this game:
You want to see a stupid blunder!
Game 994141
the last move where I gave my queen away for nothing
I'm getting really frustrated because I'm making stupid stupid moves.. most of the game I check all over the place.. then I'll go and try to get a few games in before I have to do something and blow it.. In this tournament (the alpha 1/11) I'm ...[text shortened]... annoying now.. I know its nobody elses fault except mine, but.. that just makes me more mad..
Game 1003614
However, my position isnt hopeless, because I managed to get a rook for it 😕
Originally posted by schakuhrHmm, there's hope for me against you in our duel yet!
I also just gave away my queen in this game:
Game 1003614
However, my position isnt hopeless, because I managed to get a rook for it 😕
For the record...I do intend to resign (referring to another thread in this forum) I just like to make a congradulatory comment on a final move as opposed to a comment while resigningIt's a bit ironic how I was reading this thread and thinking to myself how for the most part I've avoided major blunders when THE NEXT MOVE I MAKE IS...Game 1006867. This is another case where I knew my planned on move order so I rushed it and took w/ the rook before making another king move😕