Game 3603199
This game is incredibly complex. In fact, this game may be better than I am. I have no idea how I played through this game without blowing it. I'm running it through fritz right now and it's produced about 15 possible moves that went unplayed. Only a couple of them does fritz say are neccesarily better, but it goes to show that this game had a lot in it.
I'd really like it if one of those higher rated players on this site would be able to take the time to look through this game. I'm attempting to create my own annotation of the game but I'm finding it rather difficult. Anyways, thanks for your time.
Originally posted by Dies Irae11. axb5 Nb8
why not 10... axb5?
12. Ra8 Be6
13. Ba7 Kd7
14. Rxb8 Rxb8
15. Bxb8 Bd7
Black loses a pawn out of the entire endeavor and his king has been forced out of the castled position.
There is also
11. axb5 b6
12. c4 Nb8
Black must move the knight here because he will have to try to escape via Be6 followed by Kd7. If black plays 12...Be6? then 13. bxc6 and black's escape route is cut off and will be mated.
13. Ra8 Be6
14. Qa4 Kd7
15. Qa7
The black knight is now trapped, the black king is on the run, white is up a pawn, and the queen is very dangerous in that area (and threatens Qxc7). Black played correctly to not capture.
*I haven't checked these moves with an engine; there may very well be an improvement in the lines I just gave.
I'm sure Fritz will find improvements for both sides in the middlegame, though I didn't see anything obvious. However, in the endgame, I think White can still pressure Black by playing (instead of 31.Qf8+) 31.Qh8+ Ka7 32.Qd4+ and follow it up with advancing a pawn on the Kingside (probably 33.g4 is best, though I wouldn't swear to it.) With perfect play, I suspect Black can hold the draw, but there is no question the position is more pleasant for White.
Originally posted by Dies IraeTaking it is, according to fritz the better move. However, I think after Qd2 (mate threat) and sliding the rook, I have too many attacks to defend succesfully. Declining the sacrifice was a better move IMO. Fritz judges taking the bishop just a little better than not. I would judge what my opponent played to be a better move.
why not 10... axb5?
Edit - Just so you know I gave fritz 15 seconds to analyze this move.. it's possible it missed the line either I or ramiri was looking at, those engines are flawed both strategically and, sometimes even tactically
Originally posted by ih8sensI gave Chessmaster 10 two minutes and it played ...f5. So it was simply a matter of the horizon effect.
Taking it is, according to fritz the better move. However, I think after Qd2 (mate threat) and sliding the rook, I have too many attacks to defend succesfully. Declining the sacrifice was a better move IMO. Fritz judges taking the bishop just a little better than not. I would judge what my opponent played to be a better move.
Edit - Just so you know I ...[text shortened]... miri was looking at, those engines are flawed both strategically and, sometimes even tactically
Originally posted by RECUVICWell it does require a bit of explanation as it is not immediately apparent. I suppose after:
unfortunately the whole point has been missed here! white--5/pawn to d4 wins immediately for white! nobody should really need this explained,neither does anybody require micro- brain assistance !!
5. d5 exd5
6. Nxd5 Bd7
7. Nxc6 Bxc6
8. Bxc6 bxc6
9. c5
black has some serious development issues because he cannot castle queenside and to castle kingside he must either expend either four moves (through a fianchetto or moving the queen) or three moves if he moves the knight to a bad square on h6. In this time I suppose white could grab a fairly large lead. Also, I'd think:
5. d5 Bd7
6. d6 a6
7. dxc6
leaves black with similar problems, but certainly not an immediate loss.